1 | 1,957 | 2,244 | saml_idp | SAML IdP (Identity Provider) Library for Ruby |
2 | 13,758 | 59,086 | duo-api | Simplify your API communications with Duo. Sign out-going requests, receive consistent ... |
3 | 17,817 | 59,086 | ical_importer | Easily import iCal Events from a URL and handle their output |
4 | 31,024 | 59,086 | hasoffers | Implementation of the HasOffers API for affiliate advertising. |
5 | 31,492 | 14,267 | rolypoly | Tools for handling per-action and per-app Role authorization |
6 | 32,039 | 59,086 | queuel | Light Queue wrapper tool |
7 | 40,105 | 35,677 | m2m_fast_insert | Fast Inserts for Rails Many to Many relations |
8 | 42,468 | 35,677 | scribbler | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
9 | 58,320 | 59,086 | typhoid | A lightweight ORM-like wrapper around Typhoeus |
10 | 69,906 | 35,677 | sendgrid_events | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
11 | 77,826 | 59,086 | okcomputer-newrelic-ignore | If you use Ok Computer for uptime checks and pings, use this to avoid it affecting New ... |
12 | 78,729 | 59,086 | sync_client | SyncClient is an interface for synchronizing attributes between services.
It provid... |
13 | 96,415 | 35,677 | draper_simple_form | Draper Decoration integrated with SimpleForm |
14 | 102,802 | 22,467 | resque_sliding_window | Sliding Window unique-job workflow for Resque jobs |
15 | 127,708 | 28,543 | github_issues | Github API connector |
16 | 129,724 | 59,086 | help_spot_issues | Connector to Help Spot API |
17 | 139,289 | 59,086 | pagoid | Standardize paging abstraction |
18 | 139,367 | 59,086 | magic_send | Do YOU hate deciding what method to call? Me neither |
19 | 142,432 | 59,086 | axel | Building blocks and general helpers for platform services |
20 | 155,507 | 59,086 | omniauth-sportngin | Sport Ngin strategy for OmniAuth |