Logicminds's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,1483,777puppet-debuggerA interactive command line tool for evaluating and debugging the puppet language
211,15713,800rubyipmiControls IPMI devices via command line wrapper for ipmitool and freeipmi
314,73113,800puppet-retrospecRetrofits and generates valid puppet rspec test code to existing modules
419,42914,661retrospecRetrospec is a framework that allows the automation of repetitive file creation with ju...
528,90953,556puppet-replA interactive command line tool for evaluating the puppet language
639,96586,038release_managerRelease management tools for releasing modules and r10k control repos
759,22386,038compute_unitA ruby library that searches the linux sysfs file system for compute unit devices such ...
863,10423,626kitchen-vmpoolWhen you need to create pools of vms and manage them with test kitchen
965,11986,038release_meAutomation scripts that help you release code
1065,69486,038retrospec-plugingenGenerates the retrospec plugin scaffolding for retrospec plugins
1191,37331,663hiera-yamllA hiera backend that allows you to use a secondary yaml backend for hiera
1296,28228,793kitchen-kerberosAdds a kerberos ticket authentication to test-kitchen transport
13101,68186,038nexus_clientSimple Ruby client for dealing with Nexus
14129,52486,038msdhcpdumpEasy way to parse a Microsoft DHCP dump of scopes
15158,66853,556vra-restapiClient gem for interacting with VMware vRealize Automation.
16162,25653,556hiserA simple script that uses hiera data lookups to create json or yaml serialized...
17165,47586,038puppet-debugger-playbooksA puppet debugger plugin that allows one to play back predfined puppet scripts.
18168,14986,038crossbelt-xbuiA crossbelt plugin that transmit data to the XB UI
19169,89186,038crossbelt-ipfsA crossbelt plugin that adds export and cli commands for IPFS