Joshuaflanagan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,02412,701shipping_easyThe official ShippingEasy API client for Ruby.
227,75486,038biznessGet your bizness right and organize your business logic into operations.
355,09326,609omniauth-channel_advisorChannelAdvisor OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
460,20842,025smart_enumEnums to replace database lookup tables
568,26542,025redis_mailA Redis-backed delivery_method for Mail gem
673,59321,532activerecord-find_onlyProvides find_only and find_only! query methods
882,69986,038omniauth-stitchlabsStitchLabs OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth
9103,42786,038omniauth-provider_registryProvides access to your configured OmniAuth providers
10105,75886,038when_committedRun a piece of code after the current transaction is committed
11107,87986,038redis-plusExtends the ruby client driver with additional commands
12109,59642,025knife-drawGenerates GraphViz diagrams based on your Chef environment
13134,06286,038stintWhat are you working on?
14135,09986,038enumerable-find_onlyEnumerable#find_only raises if more than one item can be returned
15137,01286,038resque-cluesAdds event publishing and job tracking ability to Resque
16139,13486,038activerecord-find_each_orderedAllow custom sort order with find_each behavior
17141,92986,038qtrixCentral worker queues config
18145,59786,038eavesdropRecords interesting events. ActiveRecord queries, HTTP calls, etc
19170,18286,038enumerable-onlyEnumerable#only raises if more than one item can be returned
20146,36832,686active_record-onlyProvides only and only! query methods