1 | 12,875 | 12,701 | ringcentral_sdk | A Ruby SDK for the RingCentral Connect Platform API |
2 | 14,186 | 10,997 | faraday_middleware-oauth2_refresh | This Faraday middleware gem adds OAuth2 token handling with token refresh |
3 | 14,936 | 11,129 | jsondoc | A base document object |
4 | 15,606 | 11,600 | faraday_middleware-request-retry | This Faraday middleware gem adds request retries for 429 and 503 errors |
5 | 16,026 | 11,752 | mime_builder | Helper library to build MIME parts |
6 | 25,839 | 86,038 | sumologic | Ruby Sumo Logic SDK for the Sumo Logic REST API |
7 | 32,353 | 86,038 | base58_gmp | High speed Base58 encoding using GMP with MD5 support and transcoding between Flickr, B... |
8 | 37,702 | 42,025 | versionone_sdk | A Ruby SDK for the VersionOne REST API |
9 | 52,853 | 86,038 | ringcentral-avatars | Create RingCentral avatars using Gmail-style avatars |
10 | 65,357 | 24,968 | lita-zendesk | A Zendesk handler for Lita. |
11 | 67,437 | 86,038 | salesforce_fsdb | Filesystem cache manager for Salesforce sObjects and SOQL results |
12 | 72,459 | 86,038 | motion-ai | A Ruby SDK for the Motion AI API |
13 | 73,051 | 26,609 | lita-glip | A Glip adapter for Lita. |
14 | 75,113 | 86,038 | medium_sdk | A Ruby SDK for the Medium.com API with OAuth 2 support and Swagger spec |
15 | 75,310 | 28,793 | invoracle | A simple generic inventory system for managing computer systems. |
16 | 77,945 | 86,038 | salesforce_cache | Filesystem cache manager for Salesforce sObjects and SOQL results |
17 | 79,795 | 86,038 | glip_sdk | A Ruby SDK for the Glip collaboration solution (https://glip.com) |
18 | 85,781 | 86,038 | elastirad | A RAD (Rapid Application Development) Elasticsearch client |
19 | 85,804 | 42,025 | glip-poster | A Ruby SDK to post messages via Glip webhooks |
20 | 89,176 | 28,793 | lita-ringcentral | A RingCentral SMS adapter for Lita. |
21 | 97,909 | 53,556 | axlsx_rad | Efficiently create styled spreadsheets using JsonDoc::Document objects |
22 | 106,545 | 35,920 | lita_dotenv | A Lita .env config loader. |
23 | 106,723 | 35,920 | lita-inspirebot | A Lita handler for inspirational quotes. |
24 | 109,325 | 86,038 | ringcentral-rss | Convert RingCentral Message Store Results to RSS |
25 | 119,019 | 86,038 | voicebase | Helper library to transcribe audio |
26 | 163,745 | 53,556 | lita-motionai | A Lita handler for Motion AI |