Malomalo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,49121,532mlsRuby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS
213,36242,025sunstoneA library for interacting with REST APIs. Similar to ActiveResource
313,99128,793standardapiStandardAPI makes it easy to expose a query interface for your Rails models
415,75418,833activerecord-filterA safe way to accept user parameters and query against your ActiveRecord Models
517,71812,408activerecord-sortA safe way to accept user parameters and order against your ActiveRecord Models
617,84318,351arel-extensionsAdds support for missing SQL operators and functions to Arel
720,90910,726turbostreamerTurboStreamer is a JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON that streams directly to a s...
824,22853,556activerecord-cached_atAllows ActiveRecord and Rails to use a `cached_at` column for the `cache_key` if available
936,35926,609wankelA JSON parser that enables streaming parsing and encoding of JSON
1037,00953,556cookie_storeA Ruby library to handle client-side HTTP cookies
1137,76853,556condenserCondenser is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...
1244,65353,556faaA wrapper for the FAA Data Sources
1345,67842,025typed_uuidTyped UUIDs 2 bytes are reserved in the UUID for the class enum
1447,93242,025flightstatsFlightStats wrapper
1550,00042,025b2-clientBackblaze B2 Client
1666,39153,556analyzerA Performance analyzer for Ruby
1769,16486,038activehistoryActiveHistory tracks and logs changes to your ActiveRecord models and relationships for...
1881,86924,968condenser-railsCondenser integration for Rails
1985,21853,556ruby-ejsCompile EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates in Ruby.
2093,41153,556ejxCompile EJX (Embedded JavaScript) templates to Javascript with Ruby.
2195,16253,556runestonePostgreSQL Full Text Search for Active Record and Rails
22114,16186,038standardstorageA simple API for multiple storage backends like B2, S3, and the FileSystem
23115,80553,556stream_parserSAX/Stream style parse helpers
24117,54853,556middleman-condenserAdd the Condenser Assets Pipeline to Middleman
25150,83353,556changebaseRuby library for integrating with
26156,35342,025websocket-connectionWebSocket client without EventMachine