Malomalo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,82628,543mlsRuby library for integrating with the 42Floors MLS
213,52513,706sunstoneA library for interacting with REST APIs. Similar to ActiveResource
314,16835,677standardapiStandardAPI makes it easy to expose a query interface for your Rails models
415,79219,393activerecord-filterA safe way to accept user parameters and query against your ActiveRecord Models
517,74818,388arel-extensionsAdds support for missing SQL operators and functions to Arel
617,75222,467activerecord-sortA safe way to accept user parameters and order against your ActiveRecord Models
720,68119,393turbostreamerTurboStreamer is a JBuilder-like DSL for building JSON that streams directly to a s...
824,44235,677activerecord-cached_atAllows ActiveRecord and Rails to use a `cached_at` column for the `cache_key` if available
936,50635,677cookie_storeA Ruby library to handle client-side HTTP cookies
1036,67135,677wankelA JSON parser that enables streaming parsing and encoding of JSON
1137,79435,677condenserCondenser is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...
1244,77020,663faaA wrapper for the FAA Data Sources
1345,34524,889typed_uuidTyped UUIDs 2 bytes are reserved in the UUID for the class enum
1448,47459,086flightstatsFlightStats wrapper
1549,94035,677b2-clientBackblaze B2 Client
1666,51935,677analyzerA Performance analyzer for Ruby
1769,29759,086activehistoryActiveHistory tracks and logs changes to your ActiveRecord models and relationships for...
1881,84335,677condenser-railsCondenser integration for Rails
1984,45324,889ruby-ejsCompile EJS (Embedded JavaScript) templates in Ruby.
2092,76359,086ejxCompile EJX (Embedded JavaScript) templates to Javascript with Ruby.
2195,18059,086runestonePostgreSQL Full Text Search for Active Record and Rails
22108,15835,677stream_parserSAX/Stream style parse helpers
23114,34859,086standardstorageA simple API for multiple storage backends like B2, S3, and the FileSystem
24117,68359,086middleman-condenserAdd the Condenser Assets Pipeline to Middleman
25149,01759,086changebaseRuby library for integrating with
26156,96559,086websocket-connectionWebSocket client without EventMachine