Lunks's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19911,424select2-railsSelect2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote d...
215,88316,826tazaTaza is an opinionated page object framework.
320,36677,834pahA rails application template which born from Startup DEV and now is used to start most ...
425,48924,070oauth1Simple OAuth 1.0 Helper to generate URLs with HMAC-SHA1 encoding.
528,85131,484jumpupA synchronous continuous integration gem.
649,18877,834static_contentstatic_content provides a simple way of outputting static content in your app.
767,39154,488vaporRetrieve user information from Steam.
870,71854,488psnPSN allows you to interact with the Playstation Network.
982,53777,834omniauth-facebook-railsIntegrate your app with Facebook.
1094,74177,834lunks_rghostRuby Ghostscript Engine is a document creation and conversion API, support(PDF,PS,GIF,T...
11130,45377,834lunks-rails_sql_viewsAdds support for using SQL views within ActiveRecord
12132,11254,488favorite_itFavorite stuff with this gem.
13138,98677,834lunks-wepayThe WePay Ruby SDK lets you easily make WePay API calls from ruby. This versions adds a...
14139,16877,834sigameAllow users to follow each other.