Undr's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,77635,920waffleAbstract flow publisher and subscriber
229,60915,559cloud_paymentsCloudPayments ruby client
341,45486,038pattyServer part of Patty statistics server
449,79517,852completenessCompleteness is a way to add completeness progress (like in LinkedIn) into your applica...
589,10986,038zmq_jobsZeroMQ-based queue system for background job
692,26342,025influxdb-apiRuby client for InfluxDB
794,12586,038fuzzzyFuzzy Search client and server
8111,34853,556influxdb-arelInfluxdb::Arel is a SQL AST manager for Influxdb dialect.
9115,94786,038telizeA ruby client for Telize geoip service.
10128,23386,038chewy_queryThe query builder for ElasticSearch which was extracted from Chewy.
11139,71653,556angular_templateThe handy way to utilize angular templates in rails using Sprockets
12141,75653,556ox_builderXML builder with using ox
13155,07053,556middlestackThe Middlestack is a simple and convenient way to build and run your own middleware sta...
14160,08653,556json_inspectorConsole tool for inspecting JSON.
15161,23086,038walleSimple DSL for building Slack bots.