Kachick's Gems

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#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0526,588sbpaymentA client library for sbpayment (SB Payment Service) written in Ruby.
213,7582,689ruby-ulidgenerator, optional monotonicity, parser and tools for ULID (RBS included)
319,20363,432striuctStruct + validation + inheritable + default_value + etc...
424,42065,095hash-diffGet difference in 2 Hash
528,67624,151optionalargumentBuilding method arguments checker with DSL
622,00756,648abstractstackEasy to get stack APIs
732,32978,278validationValidation in Ruby objects
840,19215,400eqqPattern objects builder. All products can be used as `pattern === something`. ...
939,97126,104io-noseyTiny assistant for CUI operations
1042,74615,866abbGenerate abbreviations from words
1148,09225,458irb-power_assertUse power_assert inspection in irb
1245,43316,681declareA unit testing framework
1339,16669,905keyvalidatableValidate shortage/excess keys in pairs
1449,86843,845integer-baseAny formats can mean positional/unary numeral systems :) So base number conversion unde...
1554,84865,095net-ipaddressipaddress utilities (Currently supporting only for V4)
1655,25566,258familyTyped Array
1739,76052,335time-unitExpress intervals between any two times
1858,88278,278adjustnA tiny text tool for adjusting new line characters(CR LF CRLF). In short, Like unix...
1963,05733,614lettercaseConverter for some letter cases
2075,04019,893rspec-matchers-power_assert_matchers"ruby/power_assert" integration for RSpec. No monkey patching exists.
2171,040114,331terminal-progress_bar100% |***********************************************************************|
2253,08120,764module-mixyModule.mixy is an imitation of Module.mix.
2354,46752,335module-interfaceForce to define methods in module/class
2471,583117,026struct-validatableStruct will be able to have validators for each member
2588,08040,254pebbles-totsugen`突然のほにゃほにゃ` ジェネレーター
2665,20652,335noisrevNoisrev Version
2767,87652,335aprilfoolA joke gem.
2868,24752,335vertereGet wrapper for inverted comparisons
2971,65552,335test-declareDSL wrapper for the "test/unit".
3072,17926,241instancevalueConstant values for each instance.
3172,54925,992ejectableEject and close tray on your devices.
3273,16156,648structable"Struct" like APIs
3375,33026,241method_visibilityGet visibility for a method name.
3475,45225,992exceptioncatchableSimplified exceptions catcher
3576,91756,648struct-default_valueStruct will have default values for each member.
3677,48825,992hash-keyableTiny template for Hash keys.
3779,30952,335struct-alias_memberStruct will be able to alias the members name.
3879,56230,296each_sectioneach_line with Regular Expression separators
3980,54037,081visibility_predicatesSome predicate methods for checking method visibility.
40109,92978,278github-urifreezerGetting GitHub permanent links to files
4181,05152,335replace_replaceImprove API around {Hash,Array}#replace
4284,98556,648struct-for_pairsStruct will be construct from key-value pairs.
43117,48578,278yabmiYet another BMI library
4487,55652,335coderwall_apiAn API wrapper for the coderwall.com
45109,625115,259ya_ltsvAn reader/writer library for the LTSV(Labeled Tab Separated Values) format. See LTSV...
4691,56252,335to_hAdd SomePairs#to_h for compatibility with Ruby 2.0+
4794,21536,939flyweightA tiny template for the "Flyweight Pattern".
48156,46265,095proc-isolationAn evil tool, this gem expose hidden feature around `Proc#isolate` in CRuby. Do not...
49156,65365,095string-safe_inspectorGet `#inspect` without `exception` and `nil` possibilities
50133,61038,522module-dbcAn imitation of DbC(Design By Contract) in Ruby.
51135,67752,335ovo_report_summarizerAn utility for the OVO(OpenViewOperations). "Report file" to a csv file.
52150,52752,335net-macaddressUtils for MACAddresses