Andrewhavens's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0122,005capybara-emailTest your ActionMailer and Mailer messages in Capybara
26,12428,793sugarcube== Description CocoaTouch/iOS is a *verbose* framework. These extensions hope to make...
38,67542,025ProMotionProMotion gives RubyMotion iOS view controllers a more Ruby-like API.
411,51753,556bubble-wrapRubyMotion wrappers and helpers (Ruby for iOS and OS X) - Making Cocoa APIs more Ruby l...
512,03735,920teacupTeacup is a community-driven DSL for RubyMotion. It has CSS-like styling, and helps cr...
613,23886,038afmotionA RubyMotion Wrapper for AFNetworking
713,28512,135ibMagic rubymotion ib outlets support
816,52286,038motion-firebaseAdds more rubyesque methods to the built-in classes.
917,78735,920redpotionRedPotion - The best combination of RubyMotion tools and libraries
1019,86816,361mad_chatterMad Chatter is a fun, easy to customize chat server, utilizing HTML 5 Web Sockets
1120,87486,038cdqCore Data Query for RubyMotion
1222,08853,556motion-supportCommonly useful extensions to the standard library for RubyMotion. Ported from ActiveSu...
1325,13286,038geomotionA RubyMotion Geometry Wrapper
1431,54386,038ProMotion-XLFormAdds XLForm screen support to ProMotion.
1538,56635,920motion-sqlite3A minimal wrapper over the SQLite 3 C API for RubyMotion
1639,26786,038ProMotion-formAdds form screen support to ProMotion.
1739,81986,038motion-provisioningA small library that manages certificates and profiles automatically, from the command ...
1841,32386,038ProMotion-mapAdds PM::MapScreen support to ProMotion.
1942,93786,038bubble-wrap-httpBubbleWrap's deprecated HTTP library
2050,37853,556ProMotion-pushAdds push notification support to ProMotion.
2157,51886,038rcade_colorsProvides additional CSS Hex value and opacity support for Gosu.
2260,47226,609ProMotion-menuProMotion DSL integration with MMDrawerController cocoapod providing a left and/or righ...
2370,22953,556motion-httpA cross-platform HTTP client for RubyMotion that's quick and easy to use.
2481,59153,556ProMotion-iapAdds in-app purchase support to ProMotion.
2585,55186,038motion-settingsA RubyMotion gem to help you easily store and retrieve your user's preferences and sett...
2694,77586,038crittercismCrash reporting for your RubyMotion app.
27100,35986,038motion-htmlParse and traverse HTML in your RubyMotion app. It's like Nokogiri for RubyMotion!
28106,08686,038motion-authenticationA simple, standardized authentication helper for common authentication strategies for R...
29107,22086,038presentationCreate fullscreen presentations using Ruby.
30107,23286,038rcade_controlsA library of standard arcade controller keyboard mappings.
31109,03886,038moticonsThe easiest way to add icons to your RubyMotion app.
32128,48186,038redpotion-generatorsAdditional command line generators for RedPotion. Adds scaffolding, form, and model gen...
33128,91353,556kaleiProvides the Kalei style guide as a Rack mountable Ruby application.
34133,00886,038compartmentComing Soon
35135,35453,556waitressA minimal server provisioning tool. Pick from the menu and she'll take it to the chef.
36142,34986,038rcadeA platform for building arcade games in Ruby.
37143,38486,038rcade_menuA set of components for building Gosu menu screens.
38156,76786,038motion-restA RubyMotion model framework for RESTful JSON APIs.
39157,16186,038motion-authorizationSimple authorization for RubyMotion. Inspired by CanCan and Pundit.
40160,45186,038refile-neo4jAdd Neo4j support to Refile.
41166,29886,038fastlane-plugin-gitterA Fastlane plugin for sending a message to a Gitter room.
42172,84286,038motion-lagerFull featured logger for use in RubyMotion apps.
43178,79753,556motion-turboTurbo for RubyMotion apps
44181,90486,038motion-cross-platformProvides a common starting point for cross-platform RubyMotion gems and applications.