Gbaptista's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,1676,275gemini-aiA Ruby Gem for interacting with Gemini through Vertex AI, Generative Language API, or A...
242,4419,319ollama-aiA Ruby gem for interacting with Ollama's API that allows you to run open source AI LLMs...
349,6138,131mistral-aiA Ruby gem for interacting with Mistral AI's large language models.
479,23851,323fk_strString manipulation.
596,86321,578sweet-moonA resilient solution that makes working with Lua / Fennel from Ruby and vice versa a de...
6162,66521,578cohere-aiA Ruby gem for interacting with Cohere AI platform.
7171,29521,578maritaca-aiA Ruby gem for interacting with Maritaca AI's large language models.
8182,63451,323datomic-flareA Ruby gem for interacting with Datomic through Datomic Flare.