Durran's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,5053,005bson_extC extensions to accelerate the Ruby BSON serialization. For more information about BSON...
21,8601,970mongoid-compatibilityCompatibility helpers for Mongoid.
31,9543,699originOrigin is a simple DSL for generating MongoDB selectors and options
42,5922,982mongoid-historyThis library tracks historical changes for any document, including embedded ones. It ac...
52,5984,302mopedA MongoDB driver for Ruby.
62,7572,548mongoid-rspecRSpec matches for Mongoid models, including association and validation matchers.
72,8053,392mongoid-grid_fsA pure Mongoid/Moped implementation of the MongoDB GridFS specification
82,9004,847lhmMigrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol...
93,35911,978optionableRobust options validation for methods.
105,0145,788mongo_session_storeRails session stores for Mongoid, or any other ODM. Rails 4 compatible.
115,2725,607mongoid-lockerAllows multiple processes to operate on individual documents in MongoDB while ensuring ...
125,4633,770mongoid-geospatialMongoid Extension that simplifies MongoDB casting and operations on spatial Ruby objects.
136,2305,709mongoid-slugMongoid URL slug or permalink generator
146,4767,405mongoid_searchSimple full text search implementation.
156,7336,021mongoid_orderableEnables Mongoid models to track their position in list
167,0454,254mongoid-scrollMongoid extensions to enable infinite scroll.
1710,8546,395mongoid-shellDerive shell commands from Mongoid configuration options.
1812,18533,159mongoid-cached-jsonCached-json is a DSL for describing JSON representations of Mongoid models.
1912,87852,448kiqstandMongoid Middleware for Sidekiq
2013,69120,115durran-validatableValidatable is a library for adding validations.
2128,83273,973mongoid-collection-snapshotEasy maintenence of collections of processed data in MongoDB with the Mongoid ODM.
2262,25273,973mongoid-tag-collectibleEasily maintain a collection of Tag instances with aggregate counts from your model's t...
2392,33873,973durran-carrierwave* RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[http://carrierwave.rubyforge.org/rdoc]. *...
2495,18573,973forkitProcess Array#each blocks concurrently with JDK7 ForkJoinPools using JRuby.
2595,67452,448darstellungSimple and fast representations for APIs in Ruby
26118,44452,448moped-turboC extensions for Moped, a Ruby driver for MongoDB
27125,73473,973posterboyAdds full-text search to Active Record models on PostgreSQL
29136,51873,973thedukeProcess Array#each blocks concurrently with JDK7 ForkJoinPools.