1 | 2,729 | 2,310 | sendgrid-actionmailer | Use ActionMailer with SendGrid's Web API. |
2 | 18,507 | 74,510 | stock_quote | Retrieve book, chart, company, delayed quote, dividends, earnings, effective spread, fi... |
3 | 27,973 | 74,510 | acts_rateable | Rails 3 Bayesian Ratings Gem |
4 | 27,992 | 74,510 | census_api | A Ruby Gem for querying the US Census Bureau API |
5 | 29,920 | 47,329 | sec_query | Search for company or person, by name, symbol or Central Index Key (CIK), and retrieve ... |
6 | 64,754 | 25,792 | open_places | Imports Natural Earth geospatial data and provides a mountable JSON/GeoJSON API endpoint. |
7 | 95,776 | 74,510 | census_shapes | Imports all the US Census Geographies into a PostGIS database. |
8 | 99,254 | 74,510 | cleanliness | Clean Language Validation |
9 | 123,471 | 47,329 | mishmash | Given an input hash, output a translated hash with a given schema. Mishmash.new({a:1}).... |
10 | 140,823 | 74,510 | font-league | FontLeague - 'The League of Moveable Type' Web Fonts |