Bonzofenix's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
135,07261,367clientClient gives you the possibility to hit rest endpoints in an elegant way
238,50810,496ops_manager_cliPerforms Ops Manager deployments.
338,77761,367cancunProvides helpers to test via Rspec or any other test framework by stubing highline or i...
440,01461,367bosh-deployerCLI plugin for bosh to perform different deploying tasks
551,02261,367alvidAlvid is an advanced AI bot that integrates with slack.
664,09161,367highline-colorthis gem extends the color shcame highline
7106,15061,367ci_infrastructure_cf_cliprovides tools for customizing deployments and provisioning your jenkins machine with t...
8119,16561,367session_configLets you store and consume configurations from a hidden file in your home directory.
9131,82561,367flajaxRails 3 engine that provides ajax flash messages for your rails app.
10139,67961,367cloudfoundryThis wants to achive the functionality lost with cfoundry
11142,61261,367ilpomodoromother of productivity
12155,59341,086microbosh_hackerPCF likes to hide some features. This peice of software lets you to enable email notifi...