Amikhailov's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,9635,390activerecord-hierarchical_queryRecursively traverse trees using a single SQL query
211,39413,306segment_treeTree data structure for storing segments. It allows querying which of the stored segmen...
314,84243,406acts_as_ordered_treeActiveRecord extension for sorted adjacency lists support
420,25910,606lenjadorIt's lenjadoric
521,07315,014rails-cache-tagsTagged caching support for Rails
621,74766,923logasmIt's logasmic
724,46811,864glia-errorsGlia REST API errors
826,02543,406postgresql-checkAdds helpers to migrations and dumps check constraints to schema.rb
944,31266,923filter== Synopsys Enumerable#filter - extended Enumerable#select =...
1081,17366,923traversalSimple traversal API for pure Ruby objects
1186,19543,406ox-mapperCreate SAX parsers based on `ox` with simple DSL
1289,17366,923config_accessor== Synopsys Class-level configuration DSL == Installation gem install config_accesso...
1389,87266,923deferred_enum== Synopsys Ruby Enumerable extension. Main idea is lazy computations within enumerator...
14133,07743,406tankHTTP stress test tool
15135,96566,923logasm-jrubyIt's logasmic