1 | - | - | email_fuse | An adapter for using Voupe Emails with Rails and Action Mailer |
2 | 1,731 | 2,078 | sidekiq-limit_fetch | Sidekiq strategy to restrict number of workers which are able to run specified queues s... |
3 | 3,225 | 5,794 | omniauth-discord | Discord OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth |
4 | 12,185 | 13,218 | omniauth-twitch | Twitch OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth |
5 | 16,578 | 61,367 | codebase_api | Ruby gem for accessing the Codebase API |
6 | 18,100 | 61,367 | shoppe | A full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application. |
7 | 30,409 | 5,535 | paddle | Ruby library for the Paddle Billing & Classic APIs |
8 | 50,140 | 33,893 | shoppe-stripe | A Stripe module to assist with the integration of Stripe. |
9 | 52,685 | 61,367 | twitchrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the Twitch Helix API |
10 | 62,525 | 41,086 | shoppe-paypal | A Shoppe module to assist with the integration of PayPal. |
11 | 71,810 | 12,736 | lemonsqueezy | Ruby library for interacting with the Lemon Squeezy API |
12 | 78,756 | 61,367 | blogr | A Rails engine for adding blogging to any Rails 4 application |
13 | 93,594 | 25,716 | mina-procodile | Mina tasks for controlling Procodile |
14 | 106,985 | 61,367 | tiltify | A Ruby library for the Tiltify v3 API |
15 | 111,519 | 29,456 | omniauth-patreon | Patreon strategy for OmniAuth v1.2 |
16 | 115,940 | 61,367 | youtuberb | A Ruby library for interacting with the YouTube API |
17 | 117,519 | 41,086 | hooky | Hooky is a tool for testing webhooks |
18 | 118,925 | 23,402 | paddlerb | PaddleRB has renamed to Paddle |
19 | 114,737 | 100,699 | shopr | Shopr is a fully featured ecommerce engine for Rails 5 (forked from Shoppe) |
20 | 150,553 | 61,367 | shoppe-notification | A Shoppe module which emails staff on new orders |
21 | 159,214 | 61,367 | attach-s3 | S3 backend module for the Attach gem |
22 | 161,366 | 61,367 | postmark_bounce | Rubygem to easily add Postmark Bounce notifications to your Rails app |
23 | 165,185 | 41,086 | omniauth-voupe | OmniAuth strategy for Voupe |
24 | 168,260 | 61,367 | woocommercerb | Ruby Library for interacting with WooCommerce V3 APIs |
25 | 168,260 | 33,893 | omniauth-tiltify | OmniAuth strategy for Tiltify |
26 | 170,501 | 33,893 | logsnag | Ruby Library for sending LogSnag events |
27 | 172,419 | 61,367 | vimeorb | A Ruby library for interacting with the Vimeo API |
28 | 173,032 | 29,456 | buildkiterb | A Ruby library for the Buildkite API |
29 | 174,167 | 33,893 | patreonrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the Patreon V2 API |
30 | 175,313 | 61,367 | gitearb | A Ruby library for the Gitea API |
31 | 175,523 | 61,367 | freeagentrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the FreeAgent v2 API |
32 | 176,125 | 61,367 | discord_api | Ruby library for the Discord HTTP API |
33 | 176,128 | 61,367 | ecologi | A Ruby library for interacting with the Ecologi API |
34 | 176,279 | 33,893 | paypalrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the PayPal API |
35 | 171,526 | 59,323 | billyrb | Rails engine for subscription payments with Paddle and Lemon Squeezy |
36 | 176,481 | 61,367 | uploadfuse | Ruby library for interacting with the UploadFuse API |
37 | 176,938 | 61,367 | printfulrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the Printful API |
38 | 177,062 | 61,367 | streamelements | Ruby library for the StreamElements API |
39 | 174,585 | 71,006 | eventsub | Twitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps |
40 | 178,706 | 61,367 | emailfuse | Ruby library for the Emailfuse API including an Rails Action Mailer adapter |
41 | 179,246 | 61,367 | event_sub_events | Twitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps |
42 | 179,368 | 41,086 | omniauth-starling | OmniAuth strategy for Starling Bank |
43 | 179,436 | 61,367 | starlingrb | A Ruby library for interacting with the Starling Bank API |
44 | 179,758 | 61,367 | idealpostcodesrb | A Ruby library for the Ideal Postcodes API |
45 | 180,632 | 61,367 | hetzner_dns | A Ruby library for the HetznerDNS API |
46 | 180,942 | 29,456 | omniauth-free_agent | OmniAuth strategy for FreeAgent |
47 | 181,005 | 61,367 | porkbunrb | A Ruby library for the Porkbun API |
48 | 181,020 | 61,367 | bunnyrb | A Ruby library for the Bunny APIs |
49 | 181,654 | 61,367 | kickrb | Ruby library for the Kick API. Coming soon. |
50 | 181,732 | 61,367 | streamkite | Placeholder. Coming soon. |
51 | 182,157 | 41,086 | omniauth-streamelements | Streamelements OAuth2 strategy for OmniAuth |
52 | 179,748 | 53,236 | eventsub-events | Twitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps |