Deanpcmad's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,6591,832sidekiq-limit_fetchSidekiq strategy to restrict number of workers which are able to run specified queues s...
23,1313,168omniauth-discordDiscord OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
311,82711,746omniauth-twitchTwitch OAuth2 Strategy for OmniAuth
415,91633,989codebase_apiRuby gem for accessing the Codebase API
517,58769,238shoppeA full Rails engine providing e-commerce functionality for any Rails 4 application.
649,27969,238shoppe-stripeA Stripe module to assist with the integration of Stripe.
756,72311,096paddleRuby library for the Paddle Billing & Classic APIs
859,46843,643twitchrbA Ruby library for interacting with the Twitch Helix API
961,86969,238shoppe-paypalA Shoppe module to assist with the integration of PayPal.
1077,84838,135blogrA Rails engine for adding blogging to any Rails 4 application
1193,78069,238mina-procodileMina tasks for controlling Procodile
12110,34669,238tiltifyA Ruby library for the Tiltify v3 API
13112,26251,580omniauth-patreonPatreon strategy for OmniAuth v1.2
14116,91869,238hookyHooky is a tool for testing webhooks
15121,73669,238paddlerbPaddleRB has renamed to Paddle
16123,43443,643youtuberbA Ruby library for interacting with the YouTube API
17132,06217,506lemonsqueezyRuby library for interacting with the Lemon Squeezy API
18114,737100,699shoprShopr is a fully featured ecommerce engine for Rails 5 (forked from Shoppe)
19149,23369,238shoppe-notificationA Shoppe module which emails staff on new orders
20158,34951,580attach-s3S3 backend module for the Attach gem
21160,01069,238postmark_bounceRubygem to easily add Postmark Bounce notifications to your Rails app
22163,93569,238omniauth-voupeOmniAuth strategy for Voupe
23168,23069,238woocommercerbRuby Library for interacting with WooCommerce V3 APIs
24168,61269,238omniauth-tiltifyOmniAuth strategy for Tiltify
25171,82869,238logsnagRuby Library for sending LogSnag events
26171,89569,238vimeorbA Ruby library for interacting with the Vimeo API
27173,63069,238patreonrbA Ruby library for interacting with the Patreon V2 API
28174,09669,238freeagentrbA Ruby library for interacting with the FreeAgent v2 API
29171,52659,323billyrbRails engine for subscription payments with Paddle and Lemon Squeezy
30174,47833,989buildkiterbA Ruby library for the Buildkite API
31174,64269,238ecologiA Ruby library for interacting with the Ecologi API
32174,70669,238gitearbA Ruby library for the Gitea API
33175,07369,238paypalrbA Ruby library for interacting with the PayPal API
34174,58571,006eventsubTwitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps
35175,63269,238uploadfuseRuby library for interacting with the UploadFuse API
36175,85528,333discord_apiRuby library for the Discord HTTP API
37176,15543,643printfulrbA Ruby library for interacting with the Printful API
38177,78243,643streamelementsRuby library for the StreamElements API
39178,29969,238idealpostcodesrbA Ruby library for the Ideal Postcodes API
40179,74969,238kickrbRuby library for the Kick API. Coming soon.
41179,78869,238streamkitePlaceholder. Coming soon.
42180,03543,643event_sub_eventsTwitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps
43179,74853,236eventsub-eventsTwitch EventSub webhook integration for Rails apps