Zohararad's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,60518,158rtlitConverts CSS files from left-to-right to right-to-left
225,60963,432jaderShare your Jade views between client and server, eliminate code duplication and make yo...
361,67863,432wysihtml5n-railsWYSIHTML5-Enhanced is an HTML5 rich text editor based on wysihtml5, with support for im...
465,19163,432bootstrap-sass-rails-rtlBootstrap is Twitter's toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It in...
580,06441,916handlebarerShare your Handlebars views between client and server, eliminate code duplication and m...
6127,17863,432coffeekupperCoffeeKup compiler for Asset Pipeline
7132,85541,916resque-serializableAdds support for serializable arguments in a Resque job. Serializable arguments can be ...