Kitop's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,1214,345tempingCreate temporary table-backed ActiveRecord models for use in tests
211,1258,806mountain_viewMountain View helps you create reusable visual components on your Rails Application.
318,9047,572rubocop-netlifyCode style checking for Netlify Ruby repositories
433,02630,732ns1NS1 API Client
543,32630,732json-waveformGenerate waveform JSON information from audio files, compatible with http://waveformjs....
6100,00957,505ponchSimple email analytics for your Rails app
7118,23657,505rack-transformRack::Transform is a middleware that attemps to make a compatibility layer between two ...
8140,71830,732shopify_clientIntented to be a thread-safe replacement of shopify_api.
9173,02457,505date_range_rolloutGradual transition from one value to another based on dates