Ped's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,01137,465cb2Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern in Ruby
220,94619,313moargrationHelping you migrate, MOAR.
325,81525,080memcache-authAn interface to the libmemcached C client.
448,40533,052sinatra-schemaDefine a schema to validate requests and responses, expose it as JSON Schema
557,22753,644heroku-autoscaleAutoscale your Heroku dynos
661,403107,887baconmochaAlso, a serious runner for the Lack of Creativity Ruby Libraries Award, together wi...
763,40260,549samorauThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
864,27671,169heroku-readonlyInternal tool
997,884107,887heroku_notificationA client gem for interacting with the REST-based Heroku Notifications API
10119,24084,493herokugardenClient library and command-line tool to manage and deploy Rails apps on Heroku Garden.
11122,212147,291droid19Easy to use AMQP Library with constructs for typical usage patterns
12143,268107,887sinatra-whoamiSinatra extension to give routes their own path