1 | 13,753 | 40,936 | cb2 | Implementation of the circuit breaker pattern in Ruby |
2 | 20,850 | 17,532 | moargration | Helping you migrate, MOAR. |
3 | 25,428 | 40,936 | memcache-auth | An interface to the libmemcached C client. |
4 | 48,099 | 107,996 | sinatra-schema | Define a schema to validate requests and responses, expose it as JSON Schema |
5 | 56,619 | 31,970 | heroku-autoscale | Autoscale your Heroku dynos |
6 | 60,666 | 66,011 | baconmocha | Also, a serious runner for the Lack of Creativity Ruby Libraries
Award, together wi... |
7 | 62,815 | 49,384 | samorau | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
8 | 63,640 | 35,616 | heroku-readonly | Internal tool |
9 | 96,959 | 66,011 | heroku_notification | A client gem for interacting with the REST-based Heroku Notifications API |
10 | 118,386 | 66,011 | herokugarden | Client library and command-line tool to manage and deploy Rails apps on Heroku Garden. |
11 | 121,449 | 107,996 | droid19 | Easy to use AMQP Library with constructs for typical usage patterns |
12 | 142,496 | 107,996 | sinatra-whoami | Sinatra extension to give routes their own path |