Jnbt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,2571,096java-propertiesTool for loading and writing Java properties files
26,3386,668candy_checkCheck and verify in-app receipts
315,08425,080boundImplements a nice helper for fast boundary definitions
416,28460,549minitest-growlDisplay graphical notfications when testing with minitest.
521,28021,341neo-railsSome Rails helpers
621,85760,549google-idtoken-verifierRuby interface to Google's API to verify ID tokens
723,90117,924rubyfox-serverSmartFox Server bundled as a gem
827,76931,170nested_configSimple, static, nested config
929,09323,369simple_assertionsA collection of useful assertions.
1029,30319,313registrar-railsRails Engine to integrate Registrar
1129,37028,212rubyfox-sfsobjectMap SFSObject into Ruby Hash
1230,46637,465onDynamic callbacks with Ruby blocks.
1331,68034,964neo-dciSimple DCI
1433,50020,803registrarRegistrar standardizes Authentication Responses through Rack Middleware and works well ...
1543,10344,005rubyfox-clientRuby bindings for SmartFox's client.
1643,16334,964storeRepository Pattern and Data-Mapper Pattern
1747,90433,052tagfilesProvides the tagfile helper for Rails
1850,00229,723linrA simple UDP client for InfluxDB
1951,92024,135redmine-neopoly_styleCustom style overrides for Redmine
2053,63440,267rohbauProvides a set of patterns used in Domain Driven Design
2154,11284,493testemOften used aliases for MiniTest::Spec.
2254,52147,929valuedateValidates values.
2357,865147,291facebook_canvasRails engine for Facebook's canvas integration.
2459,03360,549retryable_recordRetries an operation on an ActiveRecord until no StaleObjectError is being raised.
2561,25047,929unschemaSplits your current schema.rb into per-table migrations. Think of it as >rebase< ...
2670,42371,169view_model-railsRails engine providing view models
2770,42871,169view_modelRails compatible view models
2876,10571,169hash_filterSimple hash filter
2983,32971,169image_optim_rakeProvide a little helper command to minify images
3086,56471,169universal_identifiableMake your model uniq and identifiable through a readable name.
3193,83084,493email_vision-neopolyRuby SOAP Api Client for EmailVision / CampaignCommander
3295,234107,887callCallback-Trigger-Pingpong for clean DCI implementation.
3399,83747,929redmine-more_view_hooksAllows adding more view hooks into Redmine's templates
34116,22360,549redmine-http_basic_authenticationUse HTTP Basic Authentication for login and IMPLICIT registration!
35116,67684,493active_templateAllows you to render templates from any source besides the filesystem
36117,37560,549redmine-per_user_statusAllows users to set a custom status which will be displayed next to their names when ch...
37119,445107,887geminabox_commandProvides the "gem inabox" command for geminabox server.
38120,00253,644redmine-user_wiki_macroAdds a {{user(login_name)}} macro to Redmine's wiki engine
39120,55260,549redmine-roadmap_extended_issuesAdds more fields to the issues in Redmine's roadmap
40127,04084,493redis_recordOne line summary of your gem
41130,26771,169redmine-mattermostMattermost chat integration
42136,101147,291ascii_tableCreate ascii table from command line
43145,150107,887sprockets-imagesExtend sprockets pipepline by image compression
44154,72884,493redmine-project_custom_styleAllows additional CSS / JS styling via a special wiki page
45154,79571,169redmine-custom_startpageAllows the user to select almost any Redmine page as the initial start page after login
46155,08284,493redmine-personal_wiki_pageAdds a link to a personal wiki page to Redmine's header
47155,20784,493redmine-project_overview_pageUses special wiki pages as the projects start page and it's sidebar
48160,11284,493redmine-cmd_submitSubmit from textareas with cmd-enter in Redmine
49167,27584,493redmine-support_direct_textile_classes_and_idsRestores the old textile-based Wiki formatting allowing directly using HTML classes and...