1 | 2,876 | 2,891 | chefspec | ChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ... |
2 | 4,301 | 3,795 | etcd | Ruby client library for etcd |
3 | 9,186 | 45,525 | dynect_rest | Use the Dynect services REST API |
4 | 10,048 | 16,444 | serfx | Serfx is a minimal ruby client for serf, an event based, distributed, fault tolerant or... |
5 | 35,465 | 10,969 | knife-elb | ELB Support for Chef's Knife Command |
6 | 35,842 | 45,525 | chef-lxc | LXC bindings for Chef |
7 | 53,046 | 30,565 | chef-metal-lxc | Provisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Metal. |
8 | 75,238 | 30,565 | lxc-extra | Additional helper methods for ruby lxc binding |
9 | 88,941 | 45,525 | chef-berks | Allows chef-client/solo to grab cookbooks on the fly using berkshelf |
10 | 92,459 | 45,525 | champu | A simple orchestration/workflow dsl on top of knife ssh |
11 | 122,891 | 45,525 | check-age | Nagios plugin that checks uptime of a server |
12 | 132,953 | 45,525 | chef-etcd | Etcd-Chef bindings |
13 | 148,595 | 45,525 | goatos-base | Deploy and manage multi node LXC installation using Chef and Blender |