Ranjibdey's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,8762,891chefspecChefSpec is a unit testing and resource coverage (code coverage) framework for testing ...
24,3013,795etcdRuby client library for etcd
39,18645,525dynect_restUse the Dynect services REST API
410,04816,444serfxSerfx is a minimal ruby client for serf, an event based, distributed, fault tolerant or...
535,46510,969knife-elbELB Support for Chef's Knife Command
635,84245,525chef-lxcLXC bindings for Chef
753,04630,565chef-metal-lxcProvisioner for creating LXC containers in Chef Metal.
875,23830,565lxc-extraAdditional helper methods for ruby lxc binding
988,94145,525chef-berksAllows chef-client/solo to grab cookbooks on the fly using berkshelf
1092,45945,525champuA simple orchestration/workflow dsl on top of knife ssh
11122,89145,525check-ageNagios plugin that checks uptime of a server
12132,95345,525chef-etcdEtcd-Chef bindings
13148,59545,525goatos-baseDeploy and manage multi node LXC installation using Chef and Blender