Davidcelis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0322,309api-paginationLink header pagination for Rails and Grape APIs
26,7126,129papersValidate that the licenses used by your Ruby project's dependencies (both gems and java...
37,1684,255rack-consoleFind yourself missing a `rails console` analogue in your other Ruby web applications? T...
49,0027,849api-versionsapi-versions helps manage your Rails app API endpoints.
59,8078,886inflectionsA better set of singularization and pluralization rules for Ruby/Rails applications usi...
611,4046,589geocodioGeocodio is a geocoding service that aims to fill a void in the community by allowing d...
713,13710,892quiet_safariGet rid of ActionController::RoutingErrors that happen when Safari requests PNGs that d...
814,97061,367recommendableA Like/Dislike recommendation engine for Ruby apps using Redis.
923,25814,205pry-suitepry-suite is designed to set up a nice Pry ecosystem out of the box. You are given Pry ...
1025,90325,716minifactureTest::Unit begot MiniTest; factory_girl begets Minifacture.
11134,78961,367rubymudWIP: A MUD server written in Ruby and powered by EventMachine.
12152,53061,367spec-me-maybeAdds the `maybe` syntax to RSpec: describe Thing do it 'is maybe equal to an...
13160,68341,086passeComing soon
14163,86861,367crepeRack-based API framework
15166,87461,367creperieCreate and maintain your Crêpe applications.
16179,03661,367threads-apiProvides an API client for Meta's microblogging social network, Threads.
17181,63861,367atprotoATProto is a gem for interacting with servers that implement the AT protocol, such as b...