Naveed's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
163,58249,180smashrun-rubyRuby gem for Smashrun api
272,29732,864omniauth-garminOmniAuth strategy for Garmin
476,93549,180omniauth-smashrunOmniAuth strategy for Smashrun
578,72749,180scoreablelonger description of your gem
686,19149,180pfeedAutomagically create fancy logs / activity updates in your rails app, asynchronously
7116,29549,180tv_mazeA Ruby wrapper for the TvMaze api: API
8118,43049,180ad_senseA Ruby wrapper of Google AdSense for generating Ads, link ads, or search ads slots.
9130,31749,180digest-emailSend Digest email to your customer.