1 | 359 | 827 | virtus | Attributes on Steroids for Plain Old Ruby Objects |
2 | 1,422 | 1,173 | pathutil | Like Pathname but a little less insane. |
3 | 1,447 | 1,165 | forwardable-extended | Forwardable with hash, and instance variable extensions. |
4 | 3,715 | 4,353 | jekyll-assets | A drop-in Jekyll Plugin that provides an asset pipeline for JavaScript,
5 | 4,994 | 8,088 | extras | Add some neat little extras into your Ruby stuff. |
6 | 6,843 | 8,356 | liquid-tag-parser | Parse liquid tags easily |
7 | 7,291 | 12,967 | jekyll-sanity | Patches to make Jekyll less insane and easier |
8 | 14,554 | 41,916 | luna-rspec-formatters | RSpec formatters that are dedicated to Luna. |
9 | 17,620 | 41,916 | clippy | A utility to access the systems clipboard. |
10 | 20,520 | 63,432 | content-pipeline | A less restrictive version of html-pipeline for content. |
11 | 24,675 | 11,043 | docker-template | Build and template awesome Docker images a variety of ways. |
12 | 24,881 | 11,448 | pry-vterm_aliases | Enable your Bash and ZSH alises in Pry shell. |
13 | 31,722 | 19,893 | rspec-helpers | A few helpers to make working with RSpec a bit cleaner. |
14 | 33,991 | 11,877 | rspec-active_record_mocks | Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code. |
15 | 43,119 | 14,438 | rspec-expect_error | Provides a wrapper around expect {}.to raise_error.. |
16 | 45,853 | 63,432 | active_record_mocks | Mock ActiveRecord tables to test concerns and other code. |
17 | 75,583 | 41,916 | simple-ansi | A simple ansi library that does only what it needs to do. |
18 | 79,691 | 41,916 | jekyll-tilt | Preprocess your templates with Tilt |
19 | 80,170 | 30,305 | pry-require_relative | Fixes require_relative in Pry. |
20 | 86,483 | 41,916 | jekyll-reload | Reload your content when Jekyll finishes building. |
21 | 86,572 | 41,916 | jekyll-incremental | A rewritten version of Incremental regeneration |
22 | 92,960 | 63,432 | jekyll-cache | Caching for Jekyll |
23 | 93,483 | 25,458 | rack-simple_csrf | A simpler CSRF middleware for Rack. |
24 | 100,792 | 63,432 | mimetype | A fast, modern, and up-to-date MimeType library. |
25 | 112,320 | 41,916 | jekyll-luna-filters | A set of filters for your Jekyll. |
26 | 112,410 | 63,432 | jekyll-post-tags | Reusable Post Tags for Jekyll |
27 | 140,982 | 63,432 | envygeeks-rubocop | Shared Rubocop rules for EnvyGeeks |
28 | 158,256 | 63,432 | jekyll-log-wrapper | A wrapper to make Jekyll's logger compliant |
29 | 162,753 | 63,432 | liquid-string-drop | A drop that can be a string too |
30 | 163,926 | 41,916 | jekyll-posts_by_year | Patches to make Jekyll less insane and easier |
31 | 163,959 | 41,916 | jekyll-faker | Provides mock content for your Jekyll prototypes when building a site,
through the Fake... |
32 | 164,407 | 63,432 | liquid-hash-or-array-drop | A drop that wraps hashes and arrays. |
33 | 154,817 | 54,100 | tiffin | A modern static site generator |