Hmans's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
120,74369,547happyA happy little toolkit for writing web applications.
220,97369,547flutterbyFlutterby is a flexible, Ruby-powered, routing graph-based web application framework th...
328,64069,547happy-helpersView helpers for your custom Rack app or framework.
431,15969,547schnitzelpressA lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools.
531,57447,825bumpyBumpy bumps your gem's version number.
632,54669,547schnitzelstyleA simple, light-weight CSS framework to kickstart your web app.
734,69669,547allowanceA general-use permission management library with support for ActiveModel.
844,78869,547slodownMarkdown + oEmbed + Sanitize + Syntax Highlighting = the ultimate user input rendering ...
965,80169,547happy-cliCommand line tool for the Happy web application toolkit.
1067,74969,547schreihalsA simple blog engine for hackers.
1192,69869,547flutterby-coffeescriptCoffeeScript support for Flutterby.
1295,09769,547freddieExpressive, Rack-loving web application DSL.
13100,56669,547imaginaryClient gem for Imaginary.
14132,78369,547dragonfly-imaginaryDragonfly plugin for Imaginary.
15134,48469,547nilesView helpers for your custom Rack app or framework.
16139,59869,547resourcerySimple serving of RESTful resources.
17165,19969,547happy-resourcesA collection of resource-focused controllers for the Happy Web Application Toolkit.
18166,34269,547can_render_markdownA little sample gem for Ruby trainings.