1 | 20,923 | 32,595 | happy | A happy little toolkit for writing web applications. |
2 | 21,120 | 32,595 | flutterby | Flutterby is a flexible, Ruby-powered, routing graph-based web application framework th... |
3 | 28,843 | 51,488 | happy-helpers | View helpers for your custom Rack app or framework. |
4 | 31,394 | 26,667 | schnitzelpress | A lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools. |
5 | 31,831 | 51,488 | bumpy | Bumpy bumps your gem's version number. |
6 | 32,818 | 51,488 | schnitzelstyle | A simple, light-weight CSS framework to kickstart your web app. |
7 | 34,969 | 32,595 | allowance | A general-use permission management library with support for ActiveModel. |
8 | 44,341 | 22,190 | slodown | Markdown + oEmbed + Sanitize + Syntax Highlighting = the ultimate user input rendering ... |
9 | 66,082 | 51,488 | happy-cli | Command line tool for the Happy web application toolkit. |
10 | 68,081 | 129,735 | schreihals | A simple blog engine for hackers. |
11 | 92,783 | 32,595 | flutterby-coffeescript | CoffeeScript support for Flutterby. |
12 | 95,506 | 51,488 | freddie | Expressive, Rack-loving web application DSL. |
13 | 100,941 | 51,488 | imaginary | Client gem for Imaginary. |
14 | 133,201 | 51,488 | dragonfly-imaginary | Dragonfly plugin for Imaginary. |
15 | 135,011 | 129,735 | niles | View helpers for your custom Rack app or framework. |
16 | 140,095 | 129,735 | resourcery | Simple serving of RESTful resources. |
17 | 165,867 | 51,488 | happy-resources | A collection of resource-focused controllers for the Happy Web Application Toolkit. |
18 | 166,738 | 51,488 | can_render_markdown | A little sample gem for Ruby trainings. |