Mxrguspxrt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
122,62130,023is_sameTo evaluate if different kind of objects have the same value or meaning, comparing obje...
233,64321,375credit_card_supportDetects issuer from a number, has ActiveModel validations and translations support.
338,59760,752anchorBefore, after and around method calls.
460,62243,129rails_validations_hmacHMAC Validation for Rails.
565,17492,362aspektBefore, after and around method calls. Supports Regexp matching.
679,87792,362instance_callOn Object#instance_call its possible to call Symbol, Proc, Block, UnboundMethod and Method
798,773107,759mongoid_matcherExample search: matching(/search string/, :keys => :all, :types => [String, Array]).
8124,802139,268db_version_managerUses Rake and ActiveRecord::Migration.