1 | 22,621 | 30,023 | is_same | To evaluate if different kind of objects have the same value or meaning, comparing obje... |
2 | 33,643 | 21,375 | credit_card_support | Detects issuer from a number, has ActiveModel validations and translations support. |
3 | 38,597 | 60,752 | anchor | Before, after and around method calls. |
4 | 60,622 | 43,129 | rails_validations_hmac | HMAC Validation for Rails. |
5 | 65,174 | 92,362 | aspekt | Before, after and around method calls. Supports Regexp matching. |
6 | 79,877 | 92,362 | instance_call | On Object#instance_call its possible to call Symbol, Proc, Block, UnboundMethod and Method |
7 | 98,773 | 107,759 | mongoid_matcher | Example search: matching(/search string/, :keys => :all, :types => [String, Array]). |
8 | 124,802 | 139,268 | db_version_manager | Uses Rake and ActiveRecord::Migration. |