1 | 101 | 95 | msgpack | MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exc... |
2 | 799 | 570 | fluentd | Fluentd is an open source data collector designed to scale and simplify log management.... |
3 | 1,146 | 671 | serverengine | A framework to implement robust multiprocess servers like Unicorn |
4 | 1,893 | 2,141 | fluent-plugin-forest | create sub-plugin dynamically per tags, with template configuration and parameters |
5 | 2,093 | 3,386 | webhdfs | Ruby WebHDFS/HttpFs client |
6 | 2,422 | 2,157 | fluent-plugin-route | This is copy of out_route.rb originally written by frsyuki |
7 | 2,521 | 2,636 | woothee | Cross-language UserAgent classifier library, ruby implementation |
8 | 2,957 | 1,889 | fluent-plugin-secure-forward | Message forwarding over SSL with authentication |
9 | 3,031 | 1,887 | resolve-hostname | With caching, selector for IPv4/IPv6, and many other features |
10 | 3,280 | 9,173 | fluent-plugin-parser | fluentd plugin to parse single field, or to combine log structure into single field |
11 | 3,405 | 3,237 | fluent-mixin-config-placeholders | to add various placeholders for plugin configurations |
12 | 3,419 | 6,358 | td-client | Treasure Data API library for Ruby |
13 | 3,717 | 5,516 | fluent-plugin-bigquery | Fluentd plugin to store data on Google BigQuery, by load, or by stream inserts |
14 | 3,724 | 3,365 | fluent-plugin-sampling-filter | fluentd plugin to pickup sample data from matched massages |
15 | 4,737 | 3,485 | fluent-plugin-flowcounter | Plugin to counts messages/bytes that matches, per minutes/hours/days |
16 | 5,981 | 5,477 | fluent-plugin-datacounter | To count records with string fields by regexps (To count records with numbers, use nume... |
17 | 6,062 | 8,583 | fluent-plugin-webhdfs | For WebHDFS and HttpFs of Hadoop HDFS |
18 | 6,986 | 5,858 | fluent-plugin-numeric-monitor | Fluentd plugin to calculate min/max/avg/Xpercentile values, and emit these data as message |
19 | 7,263 | 8,219 | fluent-plugin-ping-message | for heartbeat monitoring of Fluentd processes |
20 | 8,345 | 49,857 | fluent-plugin-buffer-lightening | Fluentd memory buffer plugin with many types of chunk limits |
21 | 8,425 | 8,058 | fluent-mixin-plaintextformatter | included to format values into json, tsv or csv |
22 | 10,064 | 18,292 | fluent-plugin-config-expander | This plugin provides directives for loop extraction |
23 | 10,205 | 8,583 | fluent-plugin-file-alternative | alternative implementation of out_file, with various configurations |
24 | 10,551 | 25,387 | mysql2-cs-bind | extension for mysql2 to add client-side variable binding, by adding method Mysql2::Clie... |
25 | 11,434 | 13,077 | fluent-plugin-scribe | Fluentd input/output plugin to handle Facebook scribed thrift protocol |
26 | 11,566 | 20,075 | fluent-plugin-notifier | check matched messages and emit alert message with throttling by conditions... |
27 | 12,834 | 14,091 | norikra | Norikra is a open source server software provides "Schema-les Stream Processing" with S... |
28 | 13,217 | 11,327 | fluent-plugin-mysql | fluent plugin to insert mysql as json(single column) or insert statement |
29 | 14,563 | 12,346 | fluent-plugin-metricsense | MetricSense - application metrics aggregation plugin for Fluentd |
30 | 15,480 | 25,387 | norikra-client | Client commands and libraries for Norikra |
31 | 16,931 | 7,879 | fluent-plugin-growthforecast | For GrowthForecast, see http://kazeburo.github.com/GrowthForecast/ |
32 | 17,132 | 8,644 | fluent-plugin-numeric-counter | Counts messages, with specified key and numeric value in specified range |
33 | 17,546 | 12,560 | fluent-plugin-norikra | process events on fluentd with SQL like query, with built-in Norikra server if needed. |
34 | 17,952 | 37,338 | msgpack-rpc-over-http | This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP |
35 | 25,851 | 17,458 | fluent-plugin-woothee | parsing by Project Woothee. See https://github.com/woothee/woothee |
36 | 27,410 | 37,338 | norikra-client-jruby | Client commands and libraries for Norikra |
37 | 28,661 | 18,292 | fluent-plugin-amplifier-filter | plugin to increase/decrease values by specified ratio (0-1 or 1-) |
38 | 34,013 | 19,033 | fluent-plugin-ikachan | output plugin for IRC-HTTP gateway 'ikachan' (see: https://metacpan.org/module/ikachan ... |
39 | 45,582 | 20,075 | focuslight | Lightning Fast Graphing/Visualization, built on RRDTool |
40 | 50,395 | 59,078 | msgpack-rpc-over-http-jruby | This library provides MessagePack-RPC via HTTP, jruby fork |
41 | 51,515 | 37,338 | fluent-plugin-hoop | This plugin doesn't support Apache Hadoop's HttpFs. See fluent-plugin-webhdfs. |
42 | 57,013 | 59,078 | growthforecast | Client library and tool to update values, create/edit/delete graphs of GrowthForecast |
43 | 61,586 | 37,338 | logstash-output-treasure_data | This gem is a logstash plugin to store data from logstash to Treasure Data service. Thi... |
44 | 67,533 | 42,127 | fluent-plugin-pull_forward | Fluentd plugin that store data to be forwarded, and send these when client(input plugin... |
45 | 67,851 | 42,127 | fluent-mixin-certificate | Fluentd mixin module to provide certificate/key generation/handling |
46 | 68,159 | 37,338 | fluent-plugin-delay-inspector | Inspect delay of log, and emit it, or inject it into message itself with specified attr... |
47 | 69,444 | 42,127 | fluent-plugin-ruby-memory-usage-profiler | Collect memory usage profile information and emit it (or output on fluentd log) |
48 | 70,690 | 37,338 | norikra-listener-mock | Mock of Norikra listener to show how to make listener by yourself |
49 | 73,597 | 42,127 | logstash-output-fluentd | This gem is a logstash plugin to forward data from logstash to fluentd. This gem is not... |
50 | 73,879 | 27,346 | ruby-memory-usage-profiler | Memory usage profiler for debugging of Ruby itself (and/or middlewares) |
51 | 75,409 | 37,338 | fluent-plugin-dummydata-producer | Emits dummy data to do bench marks and other tests |
52 | 77,862 | 59,078 | fluent-plugin-buffer-pullpool | Alternative file buffer plugin to store data to wait to be pulled by plugin |
53 | 82,715 | 76,717 | deferral | Provide a method to release/collect resources in deferred way |
54 | 82,992 | 27,346 | fluent-plugin-http_file_upload | This fluentd output plugin sends data as files, to HTTP servers which provides features... |
55 | 89,085 | 105,622 | msgpack-inspect | This is a command line tool to inspect MessagePack binary, and show the results in YAML... |
56 | 101,324 | 59,078 | fluent-plugin-encrypt | This plugin converts data of specified fields, by encrypting using AES and base64 encod... |
57 | 101,483 | 37,338 | focuslight-validator | Validate http request parameters (or others) by defined rule, without models. |
58 | 102,044 | 49,857 | fluent-plugin-buffered-stdout | Fluentd STDOUT output plugin with buffering, for buffer plugin tests only |
59 | 102,868 | 105,622 | norikra-udf-percentile | This plugin adds functions named percentile/percentiles, which calculate percentile for... |
60 | 119,905 | 105,622 | maccro | Macro processor for Ruby 2.6 or later |
61 | 133,534 | 105,622 | astarisk | Draw a graph of node tree of RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree |
62 | 140,984 | 105,622 | norikra-udf-mock | UDF mocks for Norikra development |
63 | 142,560 | 59,078 | fluent-helper-plugin-spec | RSpec helper to develop Fluentd plugin with rspec, instead of Fluentd default test/unit... |
64 | 142,717 | 76,717 | dyna_mo | Dynamic scope implementation for Method Overriding: override methods by specified conte... |
65 | 145,991 | 59,078 | fluentd-v1-checker | Command to check Fluentd configuration files are valid as v1 configuration, or to check... |
66 | 146,473 | 105,622 | norikra-udf-woothee | Woothee UDF for Norikra |
67 | 150,928 | 105,622 | binding-slicer | Introduce a method to get a slice Hash of the current binding. |
68 | 153,570 | 59,078 | right_speed | HTTP server, which provides traffic under the support of Ractor |
69 | 157,086 | 76,717 | norikra-listener-fluentd | Norikra listener plugin to send events to Fluentd |
70 | 166,800 | 105,622 | with_resources | The library to provide "with" statement to allocate and release resources safely. |
71 | 178,321 | 105,622 | LFA | Web application framework to mount AWS Lambda functions as request handlers |