Peterkeen's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,69228,615payola-paymentsOne-off and subscription payments for your Rails application
215,46520,946foreman-export-nginxExport Nginx configs using Foreman
323,35920,946capistrano-buildpackDeploy 12-factor applications using Capistrano
424,84828,615ledger_webAllows arbitrary reporting on your ledger using easy-to-write SQL queries
525,22228,615docverterAPI for converting documents with the Docverter service
626,65828,615dokuenLike Heroku but Personal
742,23453,223sequel-reporterAn opinionated framework for writing reporting applications
872,15053,223sequinsSet up sequences of actions that are delayed in time
978,26136,605ledger_genGenerate ledger-cli files from Ruby
1081,80653,223docverter-serverDocument conversion service with a REST API
1198,30297,699marginalia-ioAPI and Command Line Client for
12108,30253,223page_viewerDisplays a directory full of markdown files in a web app
13121,77297,699ledger_tiller_exportGenerate ledger transactions from Tiller
14154,63297,699simple_postsA simple gem for adding a markdown-based blog to your Rails app.