Hauleth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,86314,769vanilla-ujsThis gem provides Rails UJS features without jQuery library.
220,11914,282i18n-generatorsA Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails I18n locale files for almost every ...
330,92451,323minitest-extra-matchersAdd bunch of 'new' matchers to MiniTest::Spec that allow you to write your specs more...
432,04235,332sass-960gsThe 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing co...
576,18551,323nmgEasy machines and tasks generator for PUT lessons
6129,73851,323pronto-clippyClippy runner for Pronto
7138,33735,332walidSet of ActiveRecord validators for stuff like e-mails, URIs, post codes, etc.