1 | 9,863 | 14,769 | vanilla-ujs | This gem provides Rails UJS features without jQuery library. |
2 | 20,119 | 14,282 | i18n-generators | A Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails I18n locale files for almost every ... |
3 | 30,924 | 51,323 | minitest-extra-matchers | Add bunch of 'new' matchers to MiniTest::Spec that
allow you to write your specs more... |
4 | 32,042 | 35,332 | sass-960gs | The 960 Grid System is an effort to streamline web development workflow by providing co... |
5 | 76,185 | 51,323 | nmg | Easy machines and tasks generator for PUT lessons |
6 | 129,738 | 51,323 | pronto-clippy | Clippy runner for Pronto |
7 | 138,337 | 35,332 | walid | Set of ActiveRecord validators for stuff like e-mails,
URIs, post codes, etc. |