1 | 5,688 | 7,225 | event-bus | This gem notifies subscribers about event |
2 | 7,479 | 20,749 | fedux_org-stdlib | Collection of useful libraries. It maybe depend on external libraries. |
3 | 15,388 | 28,793 | proxy_pac_rb | "proxy_pac_rb" is a gem to compress, lint and parse proxy auto-config files. It comes w... |
4 | 17,041 | 13,150 | local_pac | This gem helps you to serve proxy.pacs locallly |
5 | 23,762 | 53,556 | proxy_rb | This gem makes testing your proxy easy. |
6 | 25,556 | 53,556 | test_server | Test server for proxies |
7 | 27,442 | 53,556 | middleman-presentation | Presentation engine for Middleman |
8 | 27,737 | 86,038 | proxy_tester | Test proxies to be sure it works |
9 | 28,492 | 53,556 | middleman-presentation-helpers | Helpers for middleman-presentation |
10 | 33,670 | 86,038 | middleman-presentation-core | Presentation engine for Middleman |
11 | 42,558 | 53,556 | command_exec | This adds bells and whistles to ease shell command execution |
12 | 46,616 | 86,038 | capistrano-middleman | Middleman deploy strategy for capistrano |
13 | 50,395 | 53,556 | the_array_comparator | you need to compare arrays? then this gem is very suitable for you. |
14 | 52,849 | 22,512 | gpx_track_generator | Generate a gpx track from gpx tracks/routes |
15 | 54,855 | 86,038 | tmrb | Building tmux sessions with ease |
16 | 56,494 | 24,968 | letter_generator | Generate letters |
17 | 66,404 | 86,038 | terminal_multiplexer | Building tmux sessions with ease |
18 | 72,198 | 86,038 | pointrb | Initialize project directory base on templates |
19 | 73,194 | 53,556 | puppet_generator | If you need to build more than one puppet manifests it is quite boring to
redo the s... |
20 | 94,792 | 86,038 | middleman-geo_pattern | Integrate geo_pattern-gem into middleman |
21 | 144,152 | 86,038 | capistrano-middleman-presentation | Middleman Presentation deploy strategy for capistrano |
22 | 151,663 | 86,038 | aruba-contrib | This gem contains all steps/API methods which might be valueable for the 'aruba'-commun... |