1 | 27,105 | 74,510 | ampere | An ActiveRecord/Mongoid-esque object model for the Redis key/value data store. |
2 | 51,880 | 74,510 | the_gambler | Really common tasks in programs that use playing cards are a pain to
implement. Thi... |
3 | 70,461 | 74,510 | rsokoban | A Sokoban clone written in Ruby using the ncurses library. |
4 | 97,109 | 74,510 | evry | A super-simple command for running other commands periodically, at set intervals. |
5 | 113,362 | 74,510 | split_video | Split video files without transcoding them using FFmpeg |
6 | 125,596 | 74,510 | chuck | Use this gem to retrieve jokes from the Internet Chuck Norris Database, with a variety ... |
7 | 141,212 | 74,510 | tablify | Use Tablify to make prettier tabulated output in the console. |
8 | 141,811 | 74,510 | hotbits | Ruby interface to the Hotbits random number generation service. |