Kpvarma's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,69941,086usmanUsman gives you a user module with Admin Interface to Manage Features, Users and their ...
216,39361,367kuppayamA basic UI starter kit - rails engine with useful helpers and bootstrap based UI modules
320,46961,367dhatuDhatu (Sanskrit word for elements). This plugin will add all the basic elements require...
423,71061,367poodle-rbPoodle is a started kit for creating Rails Application. Poodle comes with built in UI (...
524,33910,620pattanaPattana gives you a user module with Admin Interface to Manage Features, Users and thei...
637,89441,086vyapariComes with an admin interface to configure brands, multilevel categories & products
741,82561,367humdrum-railshumdrum-rails is a collection of useful generators which are quite handy for starting u...
843,19961,367handy-css-railsA rails gem to integrate handyCSS styles to your rails project.
943,45261,367q_auth_ruby_clientQAuthRubyClient can be mounted into any Q-App to deal with all q-apps services like aut...
10168,72361,367sbidu_generatorsSbidu generators rails engine with useful helpers and bootstrap based UI modules