1 | 18,891 | 8,960 | dbd | A data store that (almost) never forgets |
2 | 23,199 | 11,448 | ruby_peter_v | Ruby helpers for @peter_v |
3 | 26,849 | 11,043 | dbd_onto | Ontologies for Dbd |
4 | 34,625 | 63,432 | spec_support | Add useful spec/support functionalities that come back in each project |
5 | 35,995 | 13,614 | dbd_data_engine | A Rails engine that allows edit data dbd. |
6 | 38,326 | 14,438 | relativity | time and time_ranges relative to day, week, month, quarter etc. |
7 | 38,513 | 14,438 | dbd_onto_engine | A Rails engine that serves the dbd_onto ontology. |
8 | 92,909 | 63,432 | entitymap | Mapping entities and relations atomically in memory during the
processing of a business... |
9 | 116,881 | 63,432 | pbkdf2-peter_v | Forked from https://github.com/emerose/pbkdf2-ruby by Sam Quigley. This implementation ... |