1 | 50,176 | 53,556 | gatherer | Gatherer is a gem to scrape Magic: The Gathering cards. |
2 | 64,706 | 31,663 | guard-shopify | This gem allows guard to watch a Shopify template directory for changes and then upload... |
3 | 66,423 | 86,038 | all_seeing_pi | The one gem to rule homemade Raspberry Pi surveillance systems. This gem will capture i... |
4 | 76,633 | 53,556 | profane | A simple, flexible profanity filter. |
5 | 94,375 | 35,920 | ferris_bueller | A gem for creating events |
6 | 103,136 | 86,038 | wiki | Wiki is a single-page application for browsing and editing content distributed througho... |
7 | 155,070 | 86,038 | robolove | Robolove wraps the lego_nxt gem to make driving easier. |