1 | 24,567 | 63,432 | mustache_render | Description of MustacheRender. |
2 | 25,720 | 30,305 | docwu | Description of Doc Work UP. |
3 | 35,134 | 63,432 | loyal_core | Description of LoyalCore. |
4 | 37,824 | 63,432 | loyal_devise | Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden |
5 | 37,854 | 63,432 | loyal_rails_kindeditor | rails_kindeditor will helps your rails app integrate with kindeditor, including images ... |
6 | 51,203 | 63,432 | loyal_passport | Description of LoyalPassport. |
7 | 63,476 | 16,639 | rails-sprite | Rails CSS Sprite Utils. |
8 | 67,373 | 30,305 | loyal_acts_as_paranoid | Active Record (~>3.2) plugin which allows you to hide and restore records without actua... |
9 | 68,008 | 63,432 | loyal_admin | Description of LoyalAdmin. |
10 | 76,443 | 63,432 | tiny_support | Description of TinySupport. |
11 | 80,526 | 63,432 | loyal_warden | Rack middleware that provides authentication for rack applications |
12 | 89,281 | 63,432 | tiny_passport | Description of TinyPassport. |
13 | 89,454 | 63,432 | tiny_util | Description of TinyUtil. |
14 | 94,899 | 63,432 | loyal_rmmseg | Chinese Seg. |
15 | 97,199 | 22,084 | rails_sprite | Rails CSS Sprite Utils. |
16 | 98,430 | 63,432 | march | Description of March. |
17 | 101,367 | 63,432 | loyal_simple_captcha | LoyalSimpleCaptcha is available to be used with Rails 3 or above and also it provides t... |
18 | 102,185 | 63,432 | loyals | Description of Loyals. |
19 | 102,381 | 63,432 | loyal_ipinfo | Description of LoyalIpinfo. |
20 | 102,987 | 63,432 | loyal_spider | Description of LoyalSpider. |
21 | 103,456 | 63,432 | tiny_cache | Description of TinyCache. |
22 | 109,134 | 63,432 | tiny_captcha | Description of TinyCaptcha. |
23 | 112,828 | 30,305 | doc5 | good site |
24 | 116,294 | 63,432 | loyal | good site |
25 | 120,745 | 63,432 | blogsoso | Description of Blogsoso. |
26 | 126,846 | 41,916 | ruby-nodejs | Ruby call nodeJS and nodejs call Ruby. |
27 | 127,393 | 63,432 | authcenter | Description of Authcenter. |
28 | 131,507 | 63,432 | yuedu123 | Description of Yuedu123. |
29 | 132,529 | 63,432 | flycat_logic | Description of FlycatLogic. |
30 | 132,583 | 63,432 | flycat_record | Description of FlycatRecord. |
31 | 133,322 | 63,432 | flycat_util | Description of FlycatUtil. |
32 | 133,823 | 63,432 | march_kindeditor | Description of MarchKindeditor. |
33 | 134,138 | 63,432 | uusoso | Description of Uusoso. |
34 | 134,288 | 63,432 | march_forum | Description of MarchForum. |
35 | 134,288 | 63,432 | march_wiki | Description of MarchWiki. |
36 | 134,349 | 63,432 | march_blog | Description of MarchBlog. |
37 | 134,621 | 63,432 | uureader | Description of Uureader. |
38 | 134,641 | 63,432 | march_jquery_mobile | Description of MarchJqueryMobile. |
39 | 134,928 | 63,432 | loyal_share_buttons | Helper for add social share feature in your Rails app. Twitter, Facebook, Weibo, Douban... |
40 | 135,029 | 41,916 | rails800 | Description of Rails800. |
41 | 135,519 | 41,916 | ruby800 | Description of Ruby800. |
42 | 136,203 | 41,916 | railx | Description of Railx. |
43 | 136,789 | 41,916 | raily | Description of Raily. |
44 | 136,939 | 41,916 | railz | Description of Railz. |
45 | 136,959 | 41,916 | railz_blog | Description of RailzBlog. |
46 | 137,247 | 63,432 | tiny_spider | Description of TinySpider. |
47 | 138,371 | 41,916 | rails_mustache | Description of RailsMustache. |
48 | 139,948 | 41,916 | authclient | Description of TinyForum. |
49 | 141,342 | 41,916 | tiny_activity | Description of TinyActivity. |
50 | 141,482 | 63,432 | loyal_awesome_nested_set | An awesome nested set implementation for Active Record |
51 | 141,828 | 63,432 | loyal_user_agent | HTTP User Agent parser |
52 | 142,251 | 63,432 | log_reader | Description of LogReader. |
53 | 142,550 | 63,432 | basic_info | Description of BasicInfo. |
54 | 143,124 | 41,916 | rails_wmd_editor | Description of RailsWmdEditor. |
55 | 143,680 | 63,432 | tinies | Description of Tinies. |
56 | 143,867 | 63,432 | basic-info | Description of BasicInfo. |
57 | 144,909 | 63,432 | tiny_doc | Description of TinyDoc. |
58 | 145,222 | 63,432 | tiny_learn | Description of TinyLearn. |
59 | 145,285 | 63,432 | site_navigation | Description of SiteNavigation. |
60 | 145,381 | 63,432 | tiny_todo | Description of TinyTodo. |
61 | 145,381 | 41,916 | ruby1024 | Description of Ruby1024. |
62 | 145,652 | 63,432 | tiny_ui | Description of TinyUi. |
63 | 146,156 | 63,432 | tiny_editor | Description of TinyEditor. |
64 | 146,648 | 63,432 | lazy_cache | Description of LazyCache. |
65 | 147,448 | 41,916 | rails-wap | Description of RailsWap. |
66 | 148,158 | 63,432 | jewelry | Queries of Jewelry. |
67 | 148,207 | 63,432 | tiny_soso | Description of TinySoso. |
68 | 148,207 | 41,916 | diamond-tool | Query About Diamond Tools. |
69 | 148,779 | 41,916 | rails_wap | Description of RailsWap. |
70 | 148,981 | 41,916 | rails-ui | Description of RailsUi. |
71 | 149,575 | 63,432 | ku_ui | Description of KuUi. |
72 | 149,856 | 63,432 | tiny_service | Description of TinyService. |
73 | 149,856 | 63,432 | tiny_thrift | Ruby bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system |
74 | 151,251 | 41,916 | relaxnote | Description of Relaxnote. |
75 | 152,827 | 41,916 | rails-forum | Description of TinyForum. |
76 | 152,914 | 63,432 | tiny_forum | Description of TinyForum. |
77 | 153,240 | 41,916 | words_filter | Description of WordsFilter. |
78 | 153,327 | 41,916 | rails_cache | Description of RailsCache. |
79 | 153,419 | 41,916 | rails-util | Description of RailsUtil. |
80 | 153,507 | 41,916 | words-filter | Description of WordsFilter. |
81 | 153,714 | 30,305 | rails-chat | Description of RailsChat. |
82 | 153,787 | 41,916 | rails-blog | Description of RailsBlog. |
83 | 153,880 | 63,432 | tiny-forum | Description of TinyForum. |
84 | 153,917 | 41,916 | rails-captcha | Description of RailsCaptcha. |
85 | 154,049 | 41,916 | rails-cache | Description of RailsCache. |
86 | 154,166 | 63,432 | tiny_score_service | Description of TinyScoreService. |
87 | 154,344 | 41,916 | rails-ui-example | Description of RailsUiExample. |
88 | 154,361 | 63,432 | tiny-score-client | Description of TinyScoreClient. |
89 | 154,384 | 41,916 | rails_ui | Description of RailsUi. |
90 | 154,746 | 63,432 | tiny-score-service | Description of TinyScoreService. |
91 | 154,802 | 41,916 | rails_ui_example | Description of RailsUiExample. |
92 | 154,829 | 63,432 | tiny-cache | Description of TinyCache. |
93 | 154,917 | 63,432 | tiny_score_client | Description of TinyScoreClient. |
94 | 154,968 | 41,916 | rails_forum | Description of TinyForum. |
95 | 155,061 | 41,916 | rails_blog | Description of RailsBlog. |
96 | 155,159 | 41,916 | rails-support | Description of RailsSupport. |
97 | 155,332 | 41,916 | rails-sns-share | Description of RailsSnsShare. |
98 | 155,403 | 41,916 | rails_util | Description of RailsUtil. |
99 | 155,540 | 41,916 | rails-search | Description of RailsSearch. |
100 | 155,688 | 41,916 | rails_support | Description of RailsSupport. |
101 | 155,688 | 41,916 | rails_sns_share | Description of RailsSnsShare. |
102 | 155,716 | 41,916 | rails_search | Description of RailsSearch. |
103 | 156,754 | 63,432 | forum_service | Some Services API for forum. |
104 | 156,771 | 63,432 | forum-service | Some Services API for forum. |
105 | 157,891 | 41,916 | diamond_tool | Query About Diamond Tools. |