Blakewilliams's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,045466view_componentA framework for building reusable, testable & encapsulated view components in Ruby on R...
29,6088,630primer_view_componentsViewComponents for the Primer Design System
337,80061,367LetterSinatra Based Markdown blog.
458,05523,402moonbotAmazingly simple IRC bot that handles everything via plugins with the exception of conn...
585,27721,627prettyrbRuby source code formatter
686,75561,367backbone_handlebarsBackbone and Handlebars for Rails 3.1+
792,89161,367dashedLibrary for interacting with Amazon Dash buttons
8109,05341,086component_embedded_rubyHTML templates with embedded Ruby components
9109,40433,893minicanMiniature authorization for Rails.
10114,94461,367tripletPure Ruby template language
11164,27861,367exec_traceTrace your Ruby function's execution path
12164,75241,086OSHAOccupational Safety and Health Automation
13165,03161,367auto_view_modelAutomatic view models
14173,45561,367defdocSimple documentation for Ruby projects
15181,93141,086octodomainMapping between ActiveRecord models to domain objects.