Zeeraw's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
114,89511,682gradientLibrary for dealing with color gradients in ruby
218,92241,086arcaneParameter filter done OO, extending strong parameters.
323,28461,367urifetchUrifetch allows you to fetch data from any URL using pattern matching. The library allo...
450,16218,157spryteAPI builder tools for Ruby on Rails
559,95921,627omniauth-cloudsdaleOmniAuth strategy for Cloudsdale.
675,93761,367chatspryAPI wrapper for chatspry in ruby
780,24761,367linkableParsing libraries been getting outdated as the web evolve. Linkable takes a scalable ap...
890,29261,367key_smithConvenient when some keys just aren't the way you want them to.
998,61041,086omniauth-deviantartOmniAuth strategy for DeviantArt.
10108,49361,367swoopRuby gem for dxw flavored rails logging.
11118,34661,367witness_protectionRails library that lets you have an encrypted identities for your active record models.
12155,77361,367protocoreCreate configuration files for your whole CoreOS cluster based on templates
13156,10141,086multiprimeCalculates multiplication tables of prime numbers