Nickcharlton's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,0301,205shoulda-contextContext framework extracted from Shoulda
21,0771,228shouldaMaking tests easy on the fingers and eyes
32,0751,907appraisalAppraisal integrates with bundler and rake to test your library against different versi...
42,6882,129administrateAdministrate is heavily inspired by projects like Rails Admin and ActiveAdmin, but aims...
56,99210,630suspendersSuspenders is a Rails plugin containing generators for configuring Rails applications. ...
67,0756,431administrate-field-nested_has_manyPlugin for nested has_many forms in Administrate
78,1044,407administrate-field-imageOfficial Image field plugin for Administrate
810,94613,699paul_reverePaul Revere provides a model and helper methods to do one-off style announcements.
920,22618,879key_pathKeypath-based collection access extensions for Ruby.
1029,23540,310boxesboxes takes the complexity out of building custom Vagrant boxes. It's a command li...
1138,05140,310atlasA client for Hashicorp's Atlas.
1254,16417,785static_associationStaticAssociation adds a simple enum type that can act like an ActiveRecord association...
1358,61840,310omniauth-pamAn OmniAuth strategy to allow you to authenticate against Pluggable Authentication Modu...
14150,33340,310reserveAn object caching library for Redis.
15152,01640,310heroku-postgresRuby library for interacting with Heroku Postgres.