1 | 4,756 | 5,294 | store_base_sti_class | ActiveRecord has always stored the base class in polymorphic _type columns when using S... |
2 | 5,187 | 17,333 | eslint-rails | A Rails wrapper for ESLint. |
3 | 6,563 | 8,353 | gemsurance | Gem vulnerability and version checker |
4 | 6,700 | 3,667 | ae_test_coverage | Tools for collecting code coverage from tests. |
5 | 8,399 | 7,711 | ae_page_objects | Capybara Page Objects pattern. |
6 | 10,093 | 7,665 | minitest-optional_retry | Rerun failing minitest tests. |
7 | 10,335 | 4,583 | ae_network_connection_exception | Catch exceptions related to establishing a network connection and return a generic error. |
8 | 13,163 | 7,929 | ae_declarative_authorization | Rails gem for maintainable authorization based on readable authorization rules. |
9 | 14,966 | 13,506 | rentlinx | API Wrapper for the Rentlinx API |
10 | 16,096 | 15,549 | minitest_rollbar | A minitest reporter that logs test exceptions to Rollbar. |
11 | 16,809 | 61,367 | ruby_css_lint | Wraps up the CSS lint tool from https://github.com/stubbornella/csslint into a gem |
12 | 17,759 | 8,458 | ae_bank_days | Gem for finding the next banking date. |
13 | 18,737 | 61,367 | activeforce | Activeforce provides a simple to use and extend interface to Salesforce using the REST API |
14 | 19,885 | 7,814 | ae_skip_asset_pipeline | GSkip asset pipeline in tests. |
15 | 23,937 | 8,278 | ae_fast_decimal_formatter | Efficiently format decimal number. |
16 | 27,063 | 10,745 | sassc-import_once | Changes the behavior of Sassc's @import directive to only import a file once. |
17 | 29,928 | 13,218 | inheritable_fixtures | Allows fixtures from Rails engines to be inherited by downstream engines and the enclos... |
18 | 36,461 | 12,281 | dynamic_time_zone | Dynamically set the offset from UTC from timezone identifier |
19 | 47,874 | 61,367 | google_maps | General Purpose Library to interact with Google Maps v3 api. Geocoder. |
20 | 48,332 | 13,506 | ae_check_migrations_load_silently | Check migrations do not affect database on load. |
21 | 55,007 | 61,367 | af_minion | Super simple job queue over AMQP |
22 | 56,169 | 18,157 | ae_active_job_state | Store ActiveJob status in ActiveRecord |
23 | 59,412 | 61,367 | shields_up | Mass assignment Protection made by AppFolio Inc., inspired by strong_parameters. |
24 | 68,543 | 61,367 | abprof | Determine which of two program variants is faster, using A/B-Testing-style statistical ... |
25 | 85,141 | 61,367 | audit_trail | tracks_changes provides a way to easily keep track of changes to ActiveRecord models at... |
26 | 96,847 | 41,086 | ae_reverse_proxy | Gem for reverse proxying requests. |
27 | 115,509 | 61,367 | usedby | usedby is a command line tool to discover all dependents of ruby gems across a github o... |
28 | 125,805 | 61,367 | store_base_sti_class_for_3_1 | ActiveRecord has always stored the base class in polymorphic _type columns when using S... |