Pjungwirth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
113,5185,583cron2englishConverts a crontab schedule into English text.
216,67453,556db_leftoversDefine indexes and foreign keys for your Rails app in one place using an easy-t...
324,42086,038semvertestTesting semvar on rubygems
425,61710,676levenstein_with_pathComputes Levenstein distance between arrays of tokens, and gives the list of edits
529,56010,831rspec-match_ignoring_whitespaceRSpec matcher to compare strings ignoring whitespace
646,31753,556active_model_serializers_pgHarness the power of PostgreSQL when crafting JSON reponses
748,90786,038rbinvoiceReads hours from a Google Spreadsheet and generates a PDF invoice.
890,91153,556topiaryTopologically sorts a Directed Acyclic Graph using Kahn's Algorithm. Lets you include s...
9105,65286,038resty_prefillUsed to preserve RESTful URLs in Rails despite form submit errors.
10137,06886,038taglishLets you add tags of various types to your models, including scored tags.
11143,97786,038munin_passengerRuns passenger-status to graph CPU, RAM, queue size, requests served, etc.