Gregory's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
196110hashieHashie is a collection of classes and mixins that make hashes more powerful.
258,90254,880apartment_ratingsRuby client for ApartmentRating API
369,53354,880joubaJouba is a tool set for event sourcing: aggregate root, entities and storage
477,544129,722sipwizardSIP Sorcery ruby client
589,14148,647barrister-amqpAMQP transport and server-container for Barrister
692,40881,623allmenusA ruby client for the allmenus API
797,86760,239bvrA ruby interface to Bestvoipreselling API
8112,814129,722voxmlbuild voxiplus xml files
9112,99381,623jouba-sqlJouba-SQL is a Storage implementation of Jouba
10135,854100,830middleman-settingsThis Gem will let you use settings from config files everywhere
11145,256129,722rchessA ruby chess game
12146,78381,623cellcomMore info here:
13147,197129,722rpxruby client for the RealPageExchange SOAP API