1 | 2,026 | 2,211 | capybara-email | Test your ActionMailer and Mailer messages in Capybara |
2 | 15,764 | 112,197 | party_foul | Auto-submit Rails exceptions as new issues on GitHub |
3 | 21,414 | 22,903 | capybara-extensions | Complements Capybara with additional finders and matchers. |
4 | 26,240 | 27,290 | easy_auth | EasyAuth |
5 | 38,181 | 24,876 | context_validations | Context based validations for ActiveRecord models |
6 | 43,753 | 112,197 | pages | Pages. |
7 | 44,611 | 38,616 | easy_auth-github | EasyAuth-Github |
8 | 51,625 | 46,805 | easy_auth-facebook | EasyAuth-Facebook |
9 | 55,868 | 41,302 | easy_auth-linked_in | EasyAuth-LinkedIn |
10 | 56,962 | 46,805 | easy_auth-twitter | EasyAuth-Twitter |
11 | 57,054 | 51,018 | easy_auth-oauth2 | EasyAuth-Oauth2 |
12 | 57,351 | 46,805 | easy_auth-google | EasyAuth-Google |
13 | 58,468 | 51,018 | easy_auth-password | EasyAuth-Password |
14 | 70,713 | 60,165 | easy_auth-oauth_core | EasyAuth-OauthCore |
15 | 77,257 | 60,165 | easy_auth-oauth | EasyAuth-Oauth |