1 | 3,694 | 6,967 | zengin_code | bank codes and branch codes for japanese |
2 | 17,037 | 33,893 | ridgepoler-rails | Provides integration between ridgepole and rails 5 newer |
3 | 17,838 | 41,086 | ruboty-slack_rtm | Slack real time messaging adapter for Ruboty |
4 | 21,046 | 25,716 | grape-msgpack | Messagepack formatter for grape |
5 | 27,656 | 25,716 | image_flux | URL builder for ImageFlux |
6 | 33,811 | 61,367 | gondler | bundler for golang |
7 | 36,541 | 61,367 | sequel-cacheable | This plug-in caching mechanism to implement the Model of the Sequel |
8 | 41,470 | 61,367 | blue_print | The behavior switching framework |
9 | 45,670 | 61,367 | queencheck | QueenCheck is random test library. Inspired by QuickCheck library in Haskell. |
10 | 46,302 | 61,367 | dslimple | DSLimple is a tool to manage DNSimple. It defines the state of DNSimple using DSL, and ... |
11 | 48,155 | 61,367 | speed_gun | Better web app profiler for Rails apps |
12 | 58,691 | 23,402 | locale_kit | Improve locales convention of Rails |
13 | 61,470 | 23,402 | magnet-markdown | Magnet specified markdown processor |
14 | 64,328 | 61,367 | uninclude | Implement Module#uninclude and Object#unextend |
15 | 64,671 | 61,367 | dicer | useful DCI for Rails |
16 | 66,336 | 25,716 | mount_doc | Supporting Build APIs on Rails |
17 | 71,142 | 61,367 | docker_registry | Docker registry HTTP API client |
18 | 87,108 | 61,367 | rock_motive | RockMotive provides DCI architecture to Rails |
19 | 95,066 | 61,367 | ruboty-lambda | Invoke / List lambda functions by ruboty |
20 | 95,961 | 33,893 | mongoid-bcrypt-ruby | Useful BCrypt::Password for Mongoid |
21 | 99,689 | 61,367 | ruboty-scoped_alias | Provides scoped alias |
22 | 107,511 | 61,367 | git-set-mtime | set files mtime by latest commit time |
23 | 111,138 | 61,367 | fake_env | A fake ENV for your tests. |
24 | 111,174 | 61,367 | lf | lf is a lightweight command-line LTSV processor |
25 | 113,675 | 29,456 | partitional | Provides partial model to your Rails |
26 | 123,477 | 61,367 | desperado | blocking sns |
27 | 125,477 | 61,367 | ruboty-mastodon | Mastodon adapter for ruboty |
28 | 128,009 | 61,367 | git_hook-rspec | git pre-commit hook. run all rspec. |
29 | 128,595 | 61,367 | git_hook | git hooks management command line tool |
30 | 130,223 | 61,367 | ruboty-kanjo | Provides get pricing operations for ruboty |
31 | 138,604 | 41,086 | bundler-add | provides bundler-add command |
32 | 154,181 | 61,367 | ruboty-sqs | AWS SQS binding for ruboty |
33 | 162,091 | 61,367 | ruboty-cloudfront | Provides cloud front operation to ruboty |
34 | 163,118 | 61,367 | ruboty-flexible_alias | Provides flexible alias to ruboty |