Jowiesniak's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
115,08916,992boundImplements a nice helper for fast boundary definitions
221,28332,525neo-railsSome Rails helpers
327,77826,552nested_configSimple, static, nested config
429,09526,552simple_assertionsA collection of useful assertions.
529,30523,794registrar-railsRails Engine to integrate Registrar
629,37154,789rubyfox-sfsobjectMap SFSObject into Ruby Hash
730,47054,789onDynamic callbacks with Ruby blocks.
831,69054,789neo-dciSimple DCI
933,50132,525registrarRegistrar standardizes Authentication Responses through Rack Middleware and works well ...
1038,14432,525store-active_recordBasic ActiveRecord DataMapper for Store.
1143,09354,789rubyfox-clientRuby bindings for SmartFox's client.
1243,17054,789storeRepository Pattern and Data-Mapper Pattern
1347,86220,576tagfilesProvides the tagfile helper for Rails
1453,62654,789rohbauProvides a set of patterns used in Domain Driven Design
1554,12154,789testemOften used aliases for MiniTest::Spec.
1654,52954,789valuedateValidates values.
1757,86554,789facebook_canvasRails engine for Facebook's canvas integration.
1858,53632,525store-memoryBasic Memory DataMapper for Store.
1959,03654,789retryable_recordRetries an operation on an ActiveRecord until no StaleObjectError is being raised.
2061,26054,789unschemaSplits your current schema.rb into per-table migrations. Think of it as >rebase< ...
2271,81554,789dutyDuty provides a CLI for high-level tasks
2375,02554,789store-specShared specs for different DataMapper implementations as Memory or ActiveRecord.
2476,11254,789hash_filterSimple hash filter
2586,56832,525universal_identifiableMake your model uniq and identifiable through a readable name.
2693,83154,789email_vision-neopolyRuby SOAP Api Client for EmailVision / CampaignCommander
2795,24654,789callCallback-Trigger-Pingpong for clean DCI implementation.
2899,90254,789onthesnow"Small API to communicate with"
29100,83454,789omniauth-standaloneOmniAuth strategy to simplify the standalone sign up and sign in process
30116,69854,789active_templateAllows you to render templates from any source besides the filesystem
31119,46254,789geminabox_commandProvides the "gem inabox" command for geminabox server.
32127,06554,789redis_recordOne line summary of your gem
33136,10954,789ascii_tableCreate ascii table from command line
34151,56554,789everydayEveryday is a example based repository for solutions to common oss problems ruby develo...
35155,31454,789redoRedo implements the `Command` pattern, also known as `Action` or `Transaction` pattern,...
36156,89854,789duty-gitgit specific tasks for the duty task manager
37168,01332,525omniauth-registrarOmniAuth strategy to simplify sign up / sign in process