Neleanth's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,3742,542mongoid_rails_migrationsData migrations for Mongoid in Active Record style, minus column input.
212,08428,543survey-gizmo-rubyGem to use the REST API, v3+
319,06335,677faye-authenticationA faye extension to add authentication mechanisms
422,57335,677sidekiq-monitoringGive a state of sidekiq available queues
526,22359,086emojione-railsSprocket/Rails emojione package
634,64259,086gamifierGem for accessing game engine APIs
745,15459,086dimelo_ccp_apiRest API client for Dimelo CCP v2 plateform
846,22717,570rightnow-clientRightnow API Ruby wrapper
956,30359,086atomic_mem_cache_storeRails memcached store optimized for the thundering herd issue. This limit cache recalcu...
1061,35759,086vikingModernized gem version of the Viking plugin
1181,30428,543ruby-stemmer-dimeloExpose the bundled libstemmer_c library to Ruby.
1283,73859,086devise_session_limitDevise plugin preventing a user from having multiple open sessions
13106,00059,086faye-reconnectAllow a long running faye client to reconnect to a faye server with the same client ID
14122,21659,086actionpack-page_caching_multithreadThreadsafe Static page caching for Action Pack 4.x
15120,76937,628ferret-dimeloFerret is a super fast, highly configurable search library.