1 | 3,374 | 2,542 | mongoid_rails_migrations | Data migrations for Mongoid in Active Record style, minus column input. |
2 | 12,084 | 28,543 | survey-gizmo-ruby | Gem to use the SurveyGizmo.com REST API, v3+ |
3 | 19,063 | 35,677 | faye-authentication | A faye extension to add authentication mechanisms |
4 | 22,573 | 35,677 | sidekiq-monitoring | Give a state of sidekiq available queues |
5 | 26,223 | 59,086 | emojione-rails | Sprocket/Rails emojione package |
6 | 34,642 | 59,086 | gamifier | Gem for accessing game engine APIs |
7 | 45,154 | 59,086 | dimelo_ccp_api | Rest API client for Dimelo CCP v2 plateform |
8 | 46,227 | 17,570 | rightnow-client | Rightnow API Ruby wrapper |
9 | 56,303 | 59,086 | atomic_mem_cache_store | Rails memcached store optimized for the thundering herd issue. This limit cache recalcu... |
10 | 61,357 | 59,086 | viking | Modernized gem version of the Viking plugin |
11 | 81,304 | 28,543 | ruby-stemmer-dimelo | Expose the bundled libstemmer_c library to Ruby. |
12 | 83,738 | 59,086 | devise_session_limit | Devise plugin preventing a user from having multiple open sessions |
13 | 106,000 | 59,086 | faye-reconnect | Allow a long running faye client to reconnect to a faye server with the same client ID |
14 | 122,216 | 59,086 | actionpack-page_caching_multithread | Threadsafe Static page caching for Action Pack 4.x |
15 | 120,769 | 37,628 | ferret-dimelo | Ferret is a super fast, highly configurable search library. |