Andykent's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,6364,718rbhiveSimple gem for executing Hive queries and collecting the results
29,24910,473mandyMandy is Ruby Map/Reduce Framework built onto of the Hadoop Distributed computing platf...
333,72442,025orcaOrca is a super simple way to build and configure servers
443,79986,038forward-rbaseSimple lib for executing hbase lookups
586,76286,038vagrant-orcaVagrant Provisioner Plugin for Orca
688,24986,038rack-hostRack middleware to 404 requests that aren't to whitelisted hostnames
7146,53086,038parsenumSimple parsing of numeric values from strings
8147,41586,038pinoccioThis library gives access to the pinoccio REST API to configure and manage Troops & Sco...