1 | 11,733 | 9,631 | interfax | A wrapper around the InterFAX REST API for sending and receiving faxes. |
2 | 25,507 | 51,488 | json-bloomfilter | A bloomfilter implementation in both Ruby and Javascript that can be serialised to and ... |
3 | 27,893 | 23,861 | dokkufy | Dokku Provisioning Made Easy |
4 | 32,633 | 129,735 | trifle | Stores the GeoIP databases in Redis and gives it a simple way to lookup IPs and map the... |
5 | 32,867 | 51,488 | doxie | Doxie API Wrapper for getting scans off your Doxie scanner |
6 | 36,393 | 51,488 | acts_as_uuid | Allows ActiveRecord to use (native) UUIDs, even as primary keys. Currently only works w... |
7 | 40,574 | 15,628 | capistrano-shared_file | Capistrano recipe to symlink shared files e.g. config/database.yml |
8 | 47,017 | 51,488 | elsmore | Backup tool for Hackference |
9 | 49,820 | 129,735 | primo | A configurable default Rails stack using application templates |
10 | 61,237 | 51,488 | gyft | Wrapper for the Gyft API |
11 | 66,462 | 51,488 | herder | The herder that manages all animals talking to the hamster |
12 | 90,916 | 51,488 | magic_link | Wrapper for the MagicLink API and a Rails engine |
13 | 91,316 | 51,488 | doxie-scanner | A simple scanner for your Wifi enabled Doxie scanner |
14 | 115,176 | 129,735 | uclapi | A wrapper for the UCL API |
15 | 140,922 | 129,735 | paypal-login | TBD |
16 | 143,548 | 51,488 | inter | An easy and simple way to keep track of interactions on an ActiveRecord model that woul... |
17 | 144,426 | 51,488 | volt-braintree | A wrapper around the Braintree gem that provides you with a way to load the Braintree v... |
18 | 146,406 | 129,735 | safely_back | Prevents link_to :back from including any non URLs as a href |
19 | 168,731 | 129,735 | snapshotify | Backup tool for Hackference |
20 | 168,881 | 129,735 | swagger-template | Generate namespaced clients of template & OpenAPI spec |