Stakach's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1311215ffi-compilerRuby FFI library
28371,619http-parserA super fast http parser for ruby. Cross platform and multiple ruby implementation ...
31,7202,091scryptThe scrypt key derivation function is designed to be far more secure against hardwa...
412,77525,716libuvAn opinionated wrapper around libuv for Ruby
513,96541,086uv-raysOpinionated abstractions for Libuv
616,91461,367spider-gazelleSpidergazelle, spidergazelle, amazingly agile, she leaps through the veldt, Spide...
717,0489,444perusSimple system overview server
819,99161,367co-elastic-queryElasticsearch query generator
921,25911,682couchbase-ormA Couchbase ORM for Rails
1022,08661,367libcouchbaseA wrapper around libcouchbase for Ruby
1128,24061,367ruby-tlsAllows transport layers outside Ruby TCP to be secured.
1230,38161,367couchbase-idOverwrites the existing couchbase-model id implementation
1332,72161,367condoProvides signed upload signatures to your users browsers so they can upload directly to...
1439,03361,367stakach-algorithmsA library of algorithms and containers.
1543,94661,367aca-device-modulesBuilding automation and IoT control modules
1647,17141,086em-promiseEventMachine based, promise/deferred implementation
1749,78761,367evented-sshSSH on the Ruby platform using event driven IO
1854,79161,367automate-emA framework for building automation.
1961,65061,367doorkeeper-couchbaseDoorkeeper Couchbase ORMs
2062,38861,367condo_interfaceA feature rich, embeddable, responsive interface for CoTag Condo.
2163,83061,367celluloid-promiseCelluloid based multi-threaded promise implementation
2266,86223,402viewpoint2A Ruby client access library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS). Examples can b...
2371,90241,086omniauth-ldap2A LDAP strategy for OmniAuth.
2473,38516,044modbusConstructs Modbus standard datagrams that make it easy to communicate with devices on M...
2576,72929,456orchestratorA building and Internet of Things automation system
2680,38261,367condo_active_recordProvides database storage and migrations though utilising ActiveRecord.
2795,73823,402doorkeeper-rethinkdbDoorkeeper RethinkDB ORMs
2896,52461,367celluloid-presenceNode presence using ZooKeeper for celluloid services
29110,03061,367knxConstructs KNX standard datagrams that make it easy to communicate with devices on KNX ...
30143,01361,367uv-priority-queueAsynchronous Priority Queue for use with Libuv
31154,72761,367aca-omniauth-jwtAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
32154,95961,367aca-omniauth-jwt-blockingAn OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.
33157,12761,367condo-couchbaseProvides database storage utilising Couchbase.
34159,71861,367cresipConstructs and parses Crestron IP packets allowing you to communicate with Crestron dev...