Wheeyls's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,91751,220rails_critical_css_serverClient for critical_css_server. This server generates the critical path CSS for you. It...
223,68051,220rspectaclesVisualize rspec test running in the browser
323,92251,220cached_key_value_storeThis gem is designed for usage with a I18n backend key-value dat...
429,63929,512rails_locale_sorterManage Rails Locale YAML: Sort, remove duplicates, and create stubs for other languages.
5117,38851,220faster_rails_partial_lookupfaster_rails_partial_lookup gem
6124,84351,220email_billsCheck an email inbox, to find and split bills
7178,01113,443custom_seedscustom_seeds gem