Infertux's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,3475,247ordinalize_fullTurns a number into an ordinal string such as first, second, third or 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
28,4049,994bashcovCode coverage tool for Bash
333,24169,639buckybox-apiRubyGem wrapper for the Bucky Box API -
456,67469,639imap_guardA guard for your IMAP server
569,12069,639omniconfMerge configurations from multiple back-ends for easy use in a complex application.
687,24669,639deviliciousMulti-currency Bitcoin arbitrage bot
787,89169,639super_recursive_open_structLike recursive-open-struct but slightly different
8128,75769,639code_outputInject a script output into the source file as comments.
9140,08746,004ubeaUnified Bitcoin Exchange API