Coffeencoke's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,78853,556minceLibrary to interact with databases, not tied to rails, and not tied to active record pa...
219,75316,068hashy_dbRuby library to interact with in-memory hash database collections. Offers very little t...
327,32042,025mince_dynamo_dbLightweight ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB with Ruby Apps
434,94786,038date_utc_parserTakes an object and returns the equivalent UTC Time object
537,61786,038mince_data_modelInterface for interchanging which type of data store to persist data to
657,76186,038mince_mongo_dbMince interface library to provide a lightweight MongoDB ORM for Ruby.
761,86186,038contribulatorPublish changes from one repo to another
865,90331,663hulk_smashHulking is the act of testing the scalability of your app
967,66286,038ruby_mac_os_x_dev_configsInstall some things for ruby development on a new mac os x machine
1070,00986,038mongoid_seederHelps with seeding data with mongoid
1171,35486,038mince_migratorProvides the ability to write migrations for the mince gems
12130,62853,556ionicmobile-git-pairA git porcelain for pair programming. Changes git-config's and set...
13132,83386,038mince_modelCommon model behavior for objects backed by Mince
14133,95086,038rails_uri_parserProvides simple parsing for our use of URIs in our RESTful APIs