1 | 18,788 | 53,556 | mince | Library to interact with databases, not tied to rails, and not tied to active record pa... |
2 | 19,753 | 16,068 | hashy_db | Ruby library to interact with in-memory hash database collections. Offers very little t... |
3 | 27,320 | 42,025 | mince_dynamo_db | Lightweight ORM for Amazon's DynamoDB with Ruby Apps |
4 | 34,947 | 86,038 | date_utc_parser | Takes an object and returns the equivalent UTC Time object |
5 | 37,617 | 86,038 | mince_data_model | Interface for interchanging which type of data store to persist data to |
6 | 57,761 | 86,038 | mince_mongo_db | Mince interface library to provide a lightweight MongoDB ORM for Ruby. |
7 | 61,861 | 86,038 | contribulator | Publish changes from one repo to another |
8 | 65,903 | 31,663 | hulk_smash | Hulking is the act of testing the scalability of your app |
9 | 67,662 | 86,038 | ruby_mac_os_x_dev_configs | Install some things for ruby development on a new mac os x machine |
10 | 70,009 | 86,038 | mongoid_seeder | Helps with seeding data with mongoid |
11 | 71,354 | 86,038 | mince_migrator | Provides the ability to write migrations for the mince gems |
12 | 130,628 | 53,556 | ionicmobile-git-pair | A git porcelain for pair programming. Changes git-config's user.name and user.email set... |
13 | 132,833 | 86,038 | mince_model | Common model behavior for objects backed by Mince |
14 | 133,950 | 86,038 | rails_uri_parser | Provides simple parsing for our use of URIs in our RESTful APIs |